Chapter 16-Dia das Bruxas

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Lara's POV


Things have definitely been different since we've been at Nicole and David's.

The beginning of this week me and Alannah spent worried but the second half of the week I spent concerned.

Alannah hardly talks. She says one word answers and that's it. I'm obviously concerned about it but when I ask her she just says "it hurts" or "tired" it's probably a bit of both but it hurts me that she's hurting.

When I woke up this morning Alannah was already sat up and was crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask her straight away.

"Mommy it really hurts." She cries and I sigh.

"I know I know, do you want some medicine?" I ask and she nods.

I stand up and gently pick her up and take her downstairs.

"Morning." Nicole says and I smile and sit Alannah down at the island.

"I'm just serving breakfast up." she says and I smile.

"Alright im just going to get Alannah some medicine." I say and she nods.

When me and Alannah go into the dinning room I cut Alannah's breakfast up even smaller pieces then usual.

She's almost completely lost her appetite too which is also worrying me.

"Alannah are you excited to go trick or treating?" Nicole asks and Alannah shrugs.

"What you were excited last week?" Nicole says and Alannah shrugs again. I sigh and take a sip of some orange juice.

"We'll have a great time." I say and she shrugs again.

After breakfast we went into the living room to chill before getting ready.

Alannah was sat with her legs crossed on the floor playing with a new toy Nicole got her the other day.

"How you holding up?" Nicole asks and I sigh.

"Not very good." I say and she smiles sympathetically.

"Have you spoke to Jax?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I text Gio back on Friday but I'm just distancing myself now." I say and she sighs.

"Maybe you should talk to him." She says and I shake my head.

"No we were never together so it doesn't matter anyway." I say and she sighs.

I get I'm being stubborn and selfish and finding my mom was for the best but I can't even think about Jax right now. Not with everything going on.

Nicole and David watch Alannah whilst I get in the shower. Once I get out I blow dry and straighten my hair.

Today I put on black jeans and an orange jumper with a pumpkin on the front off it. I wore a tiny bit of makeup which I applied before getting Alannah ready.

I took her into the bathroom where I brushed her teeth and cleaned her face. Once that was done I put her in Black leggings and a top. I brush her hair and put it into a bun before we head back downstairs.

We go into the living room before Nicole escorts us to the kitchen. Today were going to be making halloween snacks.

"Should we make cupcakes first?" Nicole asks and Alannah nods.

We made some chocolate cupcakes and decorated them like spiders. They looked pretty cool.

After that we dipped strawberries in white chocolate and used chocolate chips to make it look like a ghost. We then also made pumpkin cake pops and then made some chocolate chip cookies with googly eyes in them.

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