Chapter 3- Cresciuto

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Jax's POV
"So why aren't I allowed in there?" Amara says leaning on the bedroom door.

"No one's allowed in there." Gio says and she rolls her eyes.

"Do you know what's in there?" She asks Gio and Gio sighs.

Gio and Amara have basically been together since we went back to Italy last Christmas. I don't really want to cause an argument between them but I don't really care at the same time.

"Come on Jax it's just a room, I'm curious. You guys pushed me into living here with you but I'm bored. I get left here all the time on my own. There are no girls around except for an occasional one I bump into that belongs to you or Matteo." She says.

She would never talk to me like this if she wasn't basically with Gio.

Gio's giving me those eyes signalling for me to tell Amara but I didn't feel like it.

"No. Leave it alone Amara I am serious." I say and head down stairs leaving Amara and Gio stood there.

Since mom and dad left we live in the same house.

My house that only Gio knows about is now classed as a safe house as only me and Gio know about it. And well Alannah and Lara but they don't live near here anymore.

I've had my cousin Amara and Matteo move in with us. Matteo I like, Amara can be a pain in the ass. Matteo is serious but not to serious at the same time.

Amara is only here because Matteo begged and pleaded. They're twins and apparently don't know how to not be around each other.

No one knows about Alannah and Lara. Everyone that does, doesn't dare speak their names.

These past six months I've matured, maybe its because I took over the mafia. But I've matured and well when I think of what happened with Lara, I wish I could take it all back. If I were ever to see her again I know I would act very different. She doesn't have to accept my apology I just want to  know I apologised and she heard it.

But that's the good part, I know she went to Brazil with her father. I also had an invitation to a ball out there, which we're obviously going to. If there's a chance I'm going to see both of them, I'm obviously going.

"Matteo what's new?" I ask walking into my office.

"Nothing really." He says and I nod.

"Warehouse?" He asks and I nod.

"We might as well check on a few of our clubs tonight, its monday and they won't be as busy." I say and he agrees.

I walk into the foyer and straighten up my suit jacket.

"Alfred just the man I was looking for." I say and he turns to me.

"Jax how may I help you?" He says politely.

"Um I think Gio is upstairs with Amara, can you tell him to meet us at the warehouse and to not take his time." I say and Alfred nods and heads upstairs.

Once I get to the warehouse I head straight to my office and sign off a few files when something catches my eye on the cameras.

Amara had walked through the doors. I turn to Gio and his eyes just widen. I roll my eyes and stand up with Gio behind me.

"I'm pretty sure you all have things to do." I say to the man who's towering over Amara and looking down at her like he's going to eat her for a fucking snack.

I can't deal with this girl.

She quickly rushes around me to Gio, walking with him back to our office.

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