Chapter 18-Pranzo

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Jax's POV
"How was your date last night?" Gio asks whilst lifting some weights.

"It was good." I say still running on the treadmill.

"Did you ask her?" He asks and I nod.

"Just be careful, you've never been in a relationship before and Lara's a nice girl." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt her." I say and he sighs.

"That's what they all say." he mutters and I roll my eyes.

"We have that meeting in an hour so meet me at the warehouse." I say to Gio and he nods.

I head up to my room where I have a shower. Once I get out of the shower I choose out a dark grey suit with a black shirt. I get changed and then grab my phone from the nightstand.

I then decide to text Lara. I type the text and then I struggle on what to do next. I don't know if I send hearts or x's. I decide on asking Gio but I'll do it later when no ones around.

How are you supposed to text when you're in a relationship anyway?

I head downstairs and go into the dining room to get breakfast.

"Morning sweetheart." Mom says kissing my forehead as I sit at my seat.

"Morning mom." I say and she smiles.

A couple of minutes later dad joins us and kisses moms cheek before sitting down.

"What's today's meeting about?" I ask dad and he puts his glass down.

"Its about having to wait till after Thanksgiving to move on the Portuguese girl. Its basically impossible to find information on them." He says and I sigh.

I don't understand how it's so impossible. We're like the best of the best, other than Russia. Why can't any of our team find her?

"We're just going to double up security and make sure our shipments don't get attacked." He says and I nod.

After breakfast I say goodbye to mom and then grab my car keys before heading to the warehouse. I get in my car and call Gio straight away.

"Sup." He answers and I just sigh.

"I need help." I say and he then sighs himself.

"What did you do?" He asks and I sigh

"I didn't do anything." I say and he just laughs.

"Just hurry up and tell me." He says and I sigh.

"Um well basically I don't know how to text Lara." I say and Gio's laugh echoes through the phone.

"Well I know what to text her but like do I put hearts on the end or them x's or what?" I ask and he continues to laugh.

"Gio." I groan, getting frustrated that he is just laughing.

"Um well just send her an x for now and see how she responds." He says and my eyes widen on the road.

"I don't even send one to my own mother" I admit sighing.

"Fine just send her what you want." Gio says and I sigh before giving in.

"Fine but I best not look desperate." I say and he laughs.

"She's your girlfriend, you won't look desperate." He laughs before ending the call.

I get to the warehouse and park my car before picking my phone up and texting Lara.

Jax- Good morning, I'm coming over later to see you guys x

I put my phone in my pocket and head into the warehouse. I walk through the doors the same time as Gio and he barges me.

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