Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica

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I get into my pyjamas and get ready for bed before deciding to ring Jax. I head outside my room but leave the door cracked open a bit before I ring him.

"Lara? Is everything okay?" He says in his tired voice when it clicks.

It's about 1am here so it's easily 3/4 am in New York.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I ask, feeling quite guilty.

"Yeah but it's okay I don't mind, what's up?" He says and clears his voice.

"Alannah had a nightmare. We spoke about what happened when they took her. She was upset and they used to really hurt her and they apparently raped her more that once." I say and I hear him sigh.

"Is she okay right now?" He asks and I glance into my room to see her sound asleep in bed.

"Mhm." I say.

"Lara are you sure you don't need me there? This must be stressful for you, you're on your own. When was the last time you slept six or more hours?' He asks and I shake my head.

"That doesn't matter Jax." I say and slide down the side of the wall I was leaning against.

"Look as long as we show her we love her, believe her and that we'll protect her, we'll be okay. She'll be okay." He says and I nod knowing he's correct.

"Do you want me to fly out there?" He asks. "Because I can be there before she wakes up." He says and I smile.

He's really here for her.

"Jax you've been helping us for a while, you've got things to do as well. You only just got back to New York." I say and he scoffs.

"If my family need me I'll be there for them Lara." He says and I smile at how sweet he is.

"I don't have to be back to Brazil until September." I say and I could practically see his puzzled expression.

"I'll come and see you guys, we can figure out what we're going to do about holidays and what not. I also need to see James, I haven't spoken to him in a while." I say.

"Okay so what about I get a plane to pick you up on the 1st of September and you spend until you need to here." He says and a unintentional smiles sweeps across my face.

After sorting out the plans for that I felt bad for keeping Jax up any longer.

"Jax you can go to sleep now. I just wanted to talk to you about Alannah, I felt you should know." I say and glance into my room to check on Alannah.

"I like talking to you. I don't mind staying up with you." He says and I bite my lip nervously.

It's been a long time since me and Jax have stayed up all night on the phone and I definitely miss it.

"If you want to go to bed though, you can." He says and I bring my knees to my chest.

"You and I both know I'm not going to go to sleep." I say and he chuckles softly.

"I was thinking earlier and I was wondering if you ever had any suspicions about my job?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Not really. I thought it was strange how you didn't talk about your anger issues and you spent as often as you could at your office like even way past office hours." I say thinking back to the times me and Jax spent together.

Considering me and Jax started dating just after Halloween, we spent quite a significant time together for the two months. It seemed like way longer then two months, I fell in love with him for christ sake. Everything went so fast and I don't really regret it but it was insane.

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