Chapter 9-Folga

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My alarm rings at 8am not only waking me but Alannah up as well. She unhooks her arm from around mine and then stretches. I switch my alarm off then look around the familiar room.

The room was white and grey themed before Nicole found out Alannah's favourite colour was yellow. They added hints of yellow round the room to make it more homely for us. This was basically our room. We had a joined bathroom with James between our rooms. The desk that was opposite the bed still had some pens from when I did school work on it. It also had some of Alannah's hair ties. I know in the wardrobe you could find my prom dress because I kept it here this whole time.

A knock on the door snaps my attention away from the wardrobe I was staring at.

"Breakfast is done." Nicole announces opening the door.

"Alright we'll be down in a second." I say. I take Alannah's hand and we walk down to dinning room.

I stood in the dining room to see David and Nicole up and ready for work. They were both in suits. David in his typical work suit and Nicole in a dress suit. Her's was more a dress and a blazer then anything.

"Good morning." Nicole says enthusiastically.

"Morning." I say sitting me and Alannah down at the table.

We make basic conversation about how we slept and what everyones plans for the day was whilst I sorted Alannah out.

Once David finished his breakfast he looked to Nicole and as if something clicked, she turns to me.

"So darling me and David were talking last night." She says looking at David. Please don't let it be something bad, please.

"We want you to know that we love you both as our own and that's why we're giving you a key to our house. Incase something happens with your mom or something like that. We want you to know you're welcome here anytime. Even when we're on a business trip anything." She says. My heart melts into a puddle on the floor. I love them so much. Like so much. I wish they were my parents.

"You guys are the best." I say and they look at each other and smile. I get up from the table and hug them.

"I don't think there's enough words to express how thankful I am for everything you do for us." I tell them and Nicole hugs me back.

"Its alright sweetheart." She says and smiling.

After about 10 minutes Nicole and David had to leave for work and the spare key was on the kitchen island.

After watching sofia the first for a little while with Alannah I decide for us to head upstairs and get ready.

I sit Alannah on the bed and put something on the tv to entertain her so I can have a shower.

"You have to stay on the bed till I get out of the shower okay?" I say to Alannah and she nods.

I tie my hair in a bun because I'm not washing it today, then get in the shower. Once I get out I go into our room and check through the draws to see what clothes I have.

I find some jeans that I left here a couple of months ago and put them and then go into James room. I find a grey hoodie that goes with my plain Black Jean's very well.

Once I was dressed I help Alannah brush her teeth then I clean her face. I go over to where Nicole had folded her clothes neatly on the desk chair. I pick them up and then help Alannah get dressed. I help her put on some black leggings and a white top. The top had bananas patterned all over the top.

When children are young you'll ask them what's their favourite thing. Most will say something like unicorns, however Alannah's in bananas. She loves dressing up being a princess and she loves acting like a doctor. However do not confuse that with her love of bananas.

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