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3rd Person POV
A few years later

Lara Fernandez-Ricci and Jax Ricci are currently the most well know and dangerous couple to current date. Both rulling the biggest Mafias in the world along with their company's on the side.

Jax and Lara have three children to date. Two boys (which was a blessing in Jax's eyes) and then they also had Alannah.

When Jax and Lara got married, in their contract the first boy had to go to Jax. The first born boy (Theo Giovanni Ricci) was the heir to the Italian Mafia and any child after that Lara can allow to be the leader of the Brazilian mafia. And that's exactly what happened.

When Theo was born he was crowned the mafia don and many of Jax's family and closest friends came to meet him.

When Toby was born, he didn't take Jax's name as when he took over from his mother she wanted the family name to go on. So when Toby Carter Fernandez was born Marco came to New York to see him and greet him as he was the only family Lara had left, other than the Miller's of course.

A couple of months after Lara took over, Marco gave her the awful news that her father had shot himself. He was drowning and couldn't stay a float after the death of his wife. She didn't blame him though, she understands and hopes their looking over her in amazement at how far she's come.

The only problem they have now, even with three children is how to deal with the travelling. It's obviously too much for the kids but they had both agreed the two nations would be allies but would never be the same nation.

Alannah was now 8 and Theo was 5, leaving Toby the mere age of 3. Both Lara and Jax were still quite young as well. Jax only 32 and Lara 26. They were happy, after all this time and everything they went through they were happy.

They lived most of the time in Jax's house in New York. Everyone moved out eventually after basically forcing Matteo out a few years ago too.

Once Lara and Jax announced their pregnancy, Amara and Gio started trying straight away. Unfortunately for them, it took a little while and they have a little boy the same age as Toby.

After a long flight back from Brazil that Lara went on alone she woke up to Jax's alarm as usual. Jax quickly turned his alarm off and went to cuddle Lara to find someone in his way. He looked down to see the little boy fast asleep with his head resting in the crook of his very own Wife.

"Good morning." She says rubbing her eye with one hand and putting her other arm around Toby.

"Good morning, we've got a meeting at 11. Amara said she'd watch the kids as Luca wants to play with Toby.'' Jax says climbing out of bed.

"Who do we have a meeting with?" Lara asks moving Toby's hair off of his forehead whilst he slept.

"It's that one I was telling you about, you have to be there because the man that it's with wants to see how I act around you blah blah blah." Jax says rolling his eyes and walking to his closet where he pulled on some gym clothes.

"Alright, I'll get up soon." Lara says admiring Toby.

She was glad that Theo and Toby had never had to experience half of the stuff Alannah did. With them being the most powerful couple in the world, no one dare bring harm to their kids.

"They missed you." Jax says once he sensed how sensitive Lara had suddenly felt.

"It was only three days, I'm sure it wasn't too bad." I say and Jax scoffs.

"I swear they were doing it on purpose Lara. They were never calm. They were just so chaotic causing mayhem, I've never seen anything like it and I run a mafia." Jax says recalling the past days events making Lara laugh, but not loud enough to wake Toby.

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