Chapter 12- O sucesso

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Lara's POV
"Mama." Alannah shouts in my eat causing me to jump up.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly and she smiles cheekily at me.

"Nothing." She says and I just nod. Wow. Okay. She shouted in my ear for nothing.

"I'm hungry." She says and as if on que there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah." I call and Nicole opens the door.

"Breakfast is done." She says and I nod.

"We'll be down in five." I say and she nods.

I stretch before we climb out of bed and head downstairs.

"Manhã." Nicole says when we go into the dinning room which makes me smile.

"Yayay!" Alannah says and claps her hands.

We sit down and I cut Alannah's breakfast up.

"How'd your date go?" Nicole asks.

"Does this mean you love Jax?" Alannah asks and I shake my head laughing.

"Where did you go?" Nicole asks.

"An Italian restaurant." I say and she smiles.

"That's so cute." She says and I smile.

"When am I going to see Jax and Vanni again?" Alannah asks.

"I don't know sweetheart." I say and she nods and eats her food.

After I eat breakfast we go into the living room. Nicole puts on sofia the first and sits beside me.

"Is everything all right with your sister" I ask and she nods.

"She was just upset" she says and I smile sympathetically.

We chilled around the living room for about an hour before getting ready.

Nicole and David already got ready before breakfast. They then watched Alannah for me whilst I had a shower.

Once I get out of the shower I get changed into light blue jeans and a plain black top. I tuck my top Into my jeans.

I then take my hair out of it's bun and brush it.

I then quickly make my bed. Once I was ready I go downstairs and get Alannah.

"Come on bub it's your turn to get ready." I say and she stands up and runs over to me. "Thank you." I say to Nicole and she just smiles.

We go up to our room where we go into the bathroom to brush Alannahs teeth.

After brushing her teeth I clean her face and we head back into our room. I get Alannah dressed into some blue jeans and a yellow chunky knit jumper.

After getting Alannah changed I sit her between my legs and I brush her hair. After brushing her hair I put her hair into 2 space buns then kiss her cheek and she turns to me.

"Mama." She says and I smile.

"Yes bubba?" I ask and she smiles and hugs me. I hug her back until she pulls back.

"What are we doing today?" She asks and I take a deep breath.

Here we go.

"We're going home" I say and she takes a deep breath.

"Home." she repeats worriedly. I nod and the she begins to cry.

"Alannah please don't cry. You know when your with me she won't do anything and we need to face her at some point. Plus she probably won't be there anyway." I say and wipe away some of her tears.

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