Chapter 8- O Incómodo

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"What's going on?" I ask opening my eyes to see Carter carrying me bridal style.

"Its 9am Lara, you slept on the stairs. Get cleaned up and come to the office." He says dropping me off in my room.

"What about Alannah?" I ask rushing out to the door.

"Like I said, freshen up and come to the office." He says sympathetically as my eyes gloss over. He kisses my forehead and then shuts my bedroom door.

I get out of my dress and into the shower. Once I get out of the shower I take my hair out of its messy bun I put it in for the shower. I put on some black joggers and a black crop top. I then find my creme chunky knit long cardagian which I then put on. I quickly brush my hair and put it into a messy bun but leave the first two strands down.

I rush down the stairs when Arabella stops me by the dinning room.

"Breakfast first." She says and I sigh.

"I'm not really hungry." I say and her eyes widen.

"I'll make you a plate and put it in the kitchen. Go talk to your dad." Claudia says and I thank her before rushing into dads office, not even bothering to knock before entering.

Everyone turns to look at me, except it wasn't just dad, Marco and Carter in there. Jax, Gio, Matteo and Amara were stood there.

"What happened? Is she okay?" I ask just ignoring everyone looking at me.

"More like are you okay? Carter uh told me." Dad says but I look at Carter confused.

"I'm fine just tell me where Alannah is." I dismiss it and he looks at Marco then sighs.

"We had an email, early hours this morning which confirmed our thoughts." Dad says and I just look at him confused.

"Just tell me what happened, please." I say and he sighs.

"They took her." He says and I sigh.

"How do we get her back? We're getting her back. How do we get her back?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Well Jax contacted us this morning offering his help that is why they're here now." Dad says.

"Just tell me how we're going to save her." I say and dad sighs.

"We don't know yet." Marco says and I look over at him.

"Marco we have to get her back. She's my baby. It's her birthday today, she doesn't even get to celebrate." I say and quickly wipe away a tear that cascades down my face.

"We're going to get her back Lara, I promise." Marco says and I sigh.

"The Russians aren't happy about the alliance we made last year with the Italians. That's why they attacked at the party last night. If we join both forces, we can get Alannah back. But what they did last night, was the start of a war." He says and I sigh and rub my hands over my face shocked.

Carter wraps his arms around me and I put my head on his chest.

"First we need to find out what they want, right?" Carter asks whilst resting his chin on my head.

"Normally we would. They don't want to bargain. They want a war. They want to break us down physically and emotionally." Jax says and I pull away from Carter's chest.

"So then what would we do now?' I ask him and he sighs.

"A bunch of stuff that you are not getting involved in." Dad says before Jax can say anything.

"You've got to be joking right?" I ask and look at Carter but he just looks at the floor.

"She's my daughter, if things were reversed I would of allowed you to know what was going on." I say and he sighs.

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