Chapter 46- Tchau Nova York

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Boxing day, I spent the whole day packing mine and Alannah's stuff. I was only packing a suitcase each for now. Because if I was going to live with my dad I can always come back and get my stuff. I don't really know what I'm going to do until I talk to my dad.

I don't know what time they'll be here today, but I really don't know how to feel. I guess I'm feeling really nervous the most but in still quite scared.

I wake up at about 5am. I stay in bed until about 7am.

At 7am I got in the shower. Once I got out of the shower I blow dry and straighten my hair. Once I had done my hair I get get dressed.

I was torn between wearing something actually appropriate go travel in. Or if I should wear jeans or something. I ended up wearing some black nike leggings and James grey UCLA hoodie. I then do a little bit of makeup. Which consisted of concealer, my eyebrows and mascara.

"Mama?" Alannah questions and I turn around.

"Hey bub." I say and she sits up.

"Are we going on holiday today?" She asks and I nod.

"We are bub." I say and she jumps up excited.

I take her hand and we head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning." I say once we head into the dinning room for the last time.

We sit at the dining room table and I help Alannah with her food.

"Do you know what time your father will be here?" Nicole asks.

"About mid day." I say and they nod.

"Are you excited?" David asks and I shrug. I don't want to leave them but I'm so ready to get out of here.

After breakfast I take Alannah upstairs and get her washed and into an outfit for today.

I make my bed and look around my room one last time. I take a deep breath when James knocks on the door.

"I'm going to help you take your suitcases down." He says and I nod and thank him.

We sit in the living room whilst we wait. Alannah was playing with some of her toys whilst I was in James arms cuddling as the each minute passed. The less time we would get together.

This goodbye feels so different from when he would leave for college.

The doorbell rang and we all looked at each other and stood up. This was it.

I put my phone in my pocket and held Alannah's hand as walked over to the door.

When I get outside, I see two security guards with my dad.

"Dad?" I say uncertainly. Not because he looks different because after all these years but because I can't believe he's standing infront of me.

"Its me Lara." He says when I feel something tug on my leg. I look down to see Alannah and I lean down and hug her.

"Its okay, that's my dad." I say and she nods.

The two men take mine and Alannah's luggage and put them in the car.

"I guess I have you two to thank for taking my daughter in. God knows what's happened with her mom." Dad says but mutters the last part.

"Anyway, if there's anything you need. You let me know. As a thank you." My dad says to David and Nicole.

"It's alright, they're both like angels. I can't imagine not helping them." Nicole says and I smile at her.

"Well we need go get going. I'll let you say your goodbyes and thank you again for taking care of Lara when I couldn't." Dad says and they smile. I hug Nicole and David first.

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