Chapter 19- O Pesadelo

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When I had woken up it was about 5am. I didn't get much sleep last night I had about three hours sleep. But as soon as we leave in a few hours things will get better. The flight is about ten and a half hours long so I'm planning to leave around 11am.

I decide to get ready now as It will be easier in the long run. I quickly get in the shower.

Once I get out I get dressed into some comfy clothes. I out on some black nike leggins and a plain black crop top with an oversized chunky beige cardigan.

I do very light makeup so I look presentable enough whilst travelling.

I head back into my room to see Alannah starting to unsettle in her sleep. I make my way back to her side and hold her hand and she instantly starts to settle for me.

I check my phone to now see its 7am so it would be 6am in New York. So Jax would just be waking up and heading to the gym. I'll let Alannah ring him today as she was so upset when he left last night.

Once it was about 9:00am I woke Alannah up and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

We sat in the kitchen at the island, Alannah was eating some bacon with a bit of french toast whilst I was just eating a churro.

"Are you excited to go back to LA?" I ask and she nods.

"I don't really like it here." She says shyly but I nod.

"I know bub." I say and kiss her cheek.

After breakfast I take her upstairs where we brush our teeth and I clean her face.

I then get Alannah dressed and ready. I sat her at the window seat whilst she played with some of her toys.

I make my bed and straighten my room out before giving our luggage to my driver and making sure we got the last of our little things like my charger etc.

We head downstairs whilst Alannah squeezes my hand the entire way. We get to the bottom of the stairs and everyone was sort of stood there. Alannah shyly hid behind me slightly and didn't let go off of my hand.

"How long are you going to be away for?" Carter asks and I look down at Alannah.

"I don't know yet Carter." I say and he comes close and kisses my forehead before taking a step back.

Everyone bids their goodbyes but didn't come close enough to set Alannah off.

Once we got on the plane Alannah already didn't seem so tense. She was sat by the window just staring out the window as we took off. She was fascinated by it.

As we took if she held my hand as tightly as she could but once we were fully in the air she was perfectly fine.

"When we get back to LA we're gonna go food shopping and then we're going to chill all evening and have lots of fun." I say and she nods.

For most of the plane ride Alannah was asleep. But for the parts she wasn't asleep for she was watching YouTube on my phone or playing with some of her toys I brought in my bag.

When we landed in LA it was about 9pm in Brazil but here it was only 5pm.

We get off of the flight and a driver drives us to our apartment.

Once we got inside we already felt at home. Our apartment is extremely beautiful and we're so lucky to have it.

I moved our suitcases to my room before grabbing my car keys and changing a few of the things from my bag.

"Let's get this over with shall we?" I ask and she nods.

We get into my car and headed straight to trader Joe's. It felt nice to drive and not have people drive for me.

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