Chapter 32- Guerra

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Lara's pov
I sat in Alannah's room on two chairs with Amara who was petrified of what might happen.

Me on the other hand, I was eager to get out there. I wanted to face Dmitri and I wanted to get him back for what he had done.

"I'm going out there." I say standing up.

"What no you can't." Amara says as I walk back into Jax's room.

"Yes I can." I say going behind one of the pictures and taking out a gun and the bullets. I put the bullets on the bed.

"Lara no you can't." She says and I check the bullets in the gun.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to check out the scene. You'll stay with Alannah right?" I ask and she nods.

"Be safe, please." She says and I nod.

"Of course." I say and she gives me the tightest before heading to Alannah's room.

I stand by the door to Jax's room and take a deep breath. I put the gun infront of me aiming it infront incase I bump into people straight away.

I open the door and walk down the hall, no one had gotten up here yet clearly as all the fighting was going on downstairs. It still blew my mind that Alannah hadn't woken up yet.

I made my way down the stairs and around the house looking for Dmitri. He was here I know he was I could feel it.

I walked around eagerly trying to find him.

"Ah look who we have here." Someone says once I make my way down the hall.

I look around and see a group of four men making their way towards me.

"Lara Fernandez, the now only heir to the Brazilian mafia." Another one of them says.

"When we take you to Dmitri I'm sure he'll be thrilled to kill off the Brazilian mafia once and for all." Another says.

I shoot one of their knees another one of their shoulders before shooting them all in the head killing them. I take a breath of relief and shoot a few more men that were heading my way.

Due to the noise I was making by killing quite a few people it kept attracting more and more people.

"Alright tell me how the hell there are swarms of dead bodies around you and why you aren't in Jax's room." Rocco says and I quickly check the bullets in my gun to see I had like two left.

I use more bullets I took from Jax's room and grab a gun off of a dead body.

"They were trying to take me to Dmitri." I say checking the bullets. I look back up to Rocco to see he was still looking at me sternly.

I place my gun in the waistband of my pyjama bottoms and sigh.

"Look I didn't exactly--" I stop talking when Rocco gets his gun and aims it. It whizzes past me to shoot two men that we're aiming for us.

"Carry on." He says putting his gun down.

"You can't just lock me in a room when all this is going on. If I see Dmitri, I'm going to kill him for killing my family." I say and he scoffs.

"Alright princess even though I can see you can handle your self and all you want to do is kill Dmitri. But Jax is looking for Dmitri with Gio so you should probably head on back up stairs." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Didn't you say I was a women in a man's world and they'll try to take advantage of me? Maybe if I show everyone I can do things like kill they'll be slightly less sexist." I say and point to the person behind him.

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