Chapter 33- Casa segura

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I wake up all alone in Jax's bed. I sat up straight away and began to look around Jax's room. I got out of bed checked my phone to see if last night did actually happen or if I just dreamed it.

It was nearly 11am and I had multiple missed calls and texts from mainly my dad and Marco.

I groaned and sat up before quickly replying to a few texts.

"You're finally up." Alannah says giggling as Jax puts her beside me on the bed. I smile and kiss her forehead.

"There are so many people downstairs." She whispers and I nod.

"Don't forget that you need to get ready." He says and I smile and nod as he heads into the bathroom.

"Where are we going?" Alannah asks as I climb out of bed.

"We are going on a little staycation." I say and she furrows her eyebrows but nods.

I take Alannah into her room where I brush her teeth and clean her face.

Once she's all clean I get her dressed into some black leggings and a purple sweatshirt. Once she was dressed she sat between my legs where I brushed her hair. I then put her hair into two little space buns.

We head back into Jax's room where he was coming out of his closet. I smile at him before making the bed quickly.

"Have you packed yet?" He asks and I shake my head for no.

"I'm going to pack after I get ready." I say and he nods.

Jax then watches Alannah whilst I have a shower and get ready myself. I put on some black nike leggings and then put on and a vintage beige colour nike sweatshirt.

Once I was dressed I quickly blow dried and straightened my hair before heading out of the bathroom to pack stuff for me and Alannah.

Once I had packed a bag for us both Jax was basically pushing us out the front door.

We got into his range rover and he drove out of the gates.

"I guess we better get some food on the way there." He says glancing at me.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he smiles.

"You remember when it was stormy and it wasn't safe for me to drive so we stayed at my house." He says and I nod.

"Its a safe house, no one knows about it except for you, Alannah, Gio and myself." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"So where are the others going?" I ask making him scoff.

"To Gio's safehouse, we have two safe houses each. We then have 2 more safe houses in New York where our men going when necessary." He says and I nod.

We pick up some necessities as Jax claimed the last time he went to his house was when we were with him.

When we got there it still looked as beautiful as I remembered.

The sun had lit the house up well today though. Even though the sun was out it was still quite chilly so we rushed into Jax's house.

He wasn't exactly wrong when he said he hadn't been back here, the house looks exactly the same from how we left it. Jax puts everything down in the foyer whilst Alannah runs into the living room.

"You okay?" I ask Jax and he nods before kissing my cheek.

"Dad quick!" Alannah shouts and I look up at Jax.

"Wait a minute, I need to unpack the food." He says.

"I'll do the unpacking, you just go and spend time with your daughter." I say and he smiles before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips and heading into the living room.

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