Chapter 26- James

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A week later, Wednesday 25th November.

My alarm rings at 8am and I roll over to be met with Jax's chest.

"Well good morning." I say and he chuckles.

"Wait what are you still doing here?" I ask sitting up.

"I have the next couple of days of remember." He says and I take a breath of relief and lie back down on his chest.

"What time are you leaving?" I ask.

"Around 2pm." He says and I nod.

A knock on the door gets our attention and Nicole peeks her head in.

"Will you be staying for breakfast today Jax?" She asks.

"Sure." He says and she smiles.

"Well whenever your ready come downstairs." Nicole says.

I stand up and put my hands out to get Jax out of bed. He puts his hands in mine and I attempt to get him out of bed.

After failing miserably at trying to get Jax out of bed he puts on a t-shirt and follows me into my room.

I walk over to Alannah who was still fast to sleep and begin to wake her up.

She sits up and rubs her eyes before moving closer to me. She wraps her arms around me before making eye contact with Jax.

"Jax." She shouts and runs over to him. He picks her up and hugs her before we head downstairs.

We get to the dinning room and Nicole and David were both ready for the day and sat having breakfast. Alannah insisted on sitting next to Jax so I sit next to Nicole.

"When I finish work I'll be picking James up from the airport." David says and Alannah claps her hands excitedly.

"Have you got plans for Thanksgiving?" Nicole asks Jax and he nods.

"I'm heading to the Hamptons to visit my moms family later on today." Jax says and she nods.

"When will we next see you Jax." Alannah says and pouts.

"Alannah eat your breakfast please." I ask and she nods and takes a mouthful of her food.

"I'll come and see you on Saturday." Jax says and she nods.

"Yay." She says and he smiles.

After breakfast Jax had to leave.

He leaves his clothes here now just because he sleeps here like every night. He picks his car keys up off of the unit by the door.

I give him a quick hug before he kisses me.

"Text me when your leaving and when you get there." I say and he nods.

He leans down to hug Alannah who was crying.

"I'm going to miss you." She says into his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you too." He says and kisses her cheek.

"I'll facetime you whenever you want." Jax says and she smiles up at him and hugs him again.

The problem I'm facing right now is Alannah is already attached. She sees Jaxs everyday without a doubt so not being able to see him for 3 days has upset her.

"Come on now bub he has to head home." I say trying to pry Alannah away from him.

"I promise you can call or facetime me whenever and I'll answer." Jax says and she looks between us both.

She kisses his cheek before signalling for me to pick her up. I do so and she cries into my chest.

He kisses both of out cheeks before heading to his car.

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