Chapter 31- Tchau

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When I wake up I look down to see Jax's arm around my waist. I turn my head slightly causing him to groan.

"Good morning." I say turning around completely.

"Morning." He says and kisses me.

"Did you sleep okay?" I ask and he nods.

"You fell asleep quite early last night." He says and I smile slightly.

"I was tired." I admit.

"Alright love birds breakfast is done." James says causing us to pull away.

"How incredibly cute you guys." He says and I roll my eyes. He's so annoying sometimes.

"I'll take Alannah downstairs don't worry." James says.

I get up and hold Jax's hand as we head downstairs to the dining room. I check in my room quickly to make sure Alannah had definitely gone down for breakfast.

I walk into the dining room with Jax behing me slightly.

"Mommy!" Alannah stands from her chair and rushes over to me.

"Hey bub." I say picking her up.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask sitting her at the table.

"Bad." She admits as I brush a baby hair out of her face.

"Why didn't you come and wake me up bub?" I ask.

"I know you were tired and I didn't want you to be upset with me for waking you up." She says and starts crying.

Oh god my chest.

"Bub." I say and kiss her cheek whilst she cries.

"Sorry I'm just going to take Alannah out calm her down. Two minutes." I say picking Alannah up and heading out the dining room.

We get into the living room and I sit down and put Alannah on my lap.

"Bub you know I will never ever be upset if you wake me up because of your bad dreams." I say and she nods.

"I was also scared to walk across the hall to your room." She says and I nod.

"I'll figure something out sweetheart so it's better for you. I hate it when your like this bub, you need to tell me so I can help you." I say and she nods.

"I love you but if we don't head back in there Jax will die of awkwardness." I say and she laughs.

I take her hand and head back into the dining room.

"Everything alright?" Jax questions as we sit at the table.

"Yeah." I say and smile slightly.

"What times your flight James?" I ask whilst cutting up Alannah's food.

"Um my flight isn't till two but we're going to leave around eleven ish." He says and I nod.

Alannah starts crying again and I look down at her.

"Bub what's wrong?" I ask wiping the tears as they fall down her face.

"I don't want James to leave." She says and I nod.

"I know, it's only for about two to three weeks and he'll be back." I say which doesn't calm her down.

"Sorry, she didn't sleep well so she's really emotional today." I say as she cries into my chest. I haven't moved her into my lap yet but I was just calming her down.

It took Alannah and I longer then everyone else to finish our breakfast.

Once we were finished I only quickly get me and Alannah ready so we could spend as much time with James as possible.

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