Chapter 17- Namorado

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The week of the first of November flew by. Jax stopped by with Gio quite a few times which was nice.

Alannah was back to her same self she was still in pain but she was back to normal.

It's now Monday the ninth and its getting closer and closer till James comes home.

"How many more days now?" I ask James as I sit on my freshly made bed.

"Sixteen days." He says doing whatever he was doing.

"I can't wait to see you James." Alannah squeals and he laughs.

"Me too." He says and I smile.

"We're going to have so much fun when you come back." Alannah squeals and he smiles. She's really excited.

"I can't wait for it." He says and she smiles widely.

"Your going on a date with Jax tonight aren't you?" He asks and I nod.

"Are you excited?" He asks and I shrug with a very wide smile.

"Text me and tell me how it goes." He says and I nod.

"Right im going to have to roll I've got practice in a bit." He says and I nod.

"Bye." Alannah and I say before ending the call.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask Alannah and she shrugs.

"Maybe we should make Nicole and David a cake to say thank you." I say and Alannah nods.

"Right let's go to the store and buy some things." I say standing up and she nods.

We head downstairs to the shoe closet and I put my shoes on before helping Alannah and then putting her coat on her.

We head out the front door and I lock the front door.

I take Alannah's hand and head to my car. A car honk causes me to look up.

Gio's car was driving past and we wave at him but can't see if he waves back because of his blacked out windows.

He stopped and did the window down.

"Good morning girls!" Gio shouts. We walk over to his car window and I pick Alannah up to see him.

"Hey Gio." I say and he smiles.

"Where you guys going?" Gio asks looking between us both smiling.

"Just to the store." I say and he nods.

"Well I'm going to see Jax but I'll see you later." He says and I nod and we walk back to my car.

I strap Alannah in her car seat. I make my way round to my seat and get in my seat.

I connect my phone to the aux and see I have 3 missed calls from an unknown number and a text from Jax.

Jax-Morning, what are you wearing tonight?

Lara- umm I dont know yet maybe a white dress with pinky colour flowers on it

Jax-okay, don't forget I'm picking you up at 5:30

Lara-alright see you then

I put some music on then head to the store.

We get to the store and half way there it had started raining so me and Alannah basically ran in.

We looked around for cake ingredients. We finally found them and brought them.

We ran to the car and I strapped Alannah in and put the bits in the trunk.

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