Chapter 5- Acessórios

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Wednesday 1st July.

I wake up and just watch Alannah sleep. She came into my room after having a nightmare.

I spent hours staring at Alannah until a maid knocked on the door and asked what we wanted for breakfast.

When it was time I took Alannah downstairs for breakfast.

"Manhä." Me and Alannah say in sync walking into the dinning room.

"Manhä." Everyone says back. I sit Alannah in the middle of me and Carter, like normal.

I wasn't really talking to my dad, I was still annoyed at both him and Marco. They told me to never contact him or anything again, which I then happily agreed to do. But they then decide to invite him to an event that I have to go to as I'm officially going to be part of the mafia 'lifestyle'.

Yep. Officially.

Carter got some rumours going about a Fernandez returning after nineteen years.

"You girls will be having a long day today. We have some designers coming here to get you dressed and fitted. Then this evening after dinner were going out to the venue that's hosting the ball to run through a few things." Dad says and I nod.

Claudia coughs and signals for my dad to carry on.

"Its not to late to cancel Lara, if you want." He says and I shake my head no.

"Its fine." I say and Carter smiles at me softly.

After breakfast the boys head off somewhere. Me and Alannah head up to her room. I brush her teeth and wash her face. I get her dressed into a yellow and white striped jumpsuit. I tie the belt around her in a bow shape and then kiss her cheek making me giggle. I then brush her hair and put it into two french plaits.

I take her downstairs and find Claudia and Arabella.

"Can you watch her whilst I get ready." I say and they smile.

"Of course we can." They say smiling.

I head up to my room and take a shower. Once I had finished with my shower I blow dry and straighten my hair. I then choose out a cute outfit and do my makeup.

I walk down the stairs slowly as I watch endless amount of people come in and out with racks of dresses. I follow them into a room that I never noticed before. It was sort of like a dressing room.

"Don't tell me this is her." A man says making them all spin around and look at me.

"Mama." Alannah shouts running over to me.

She's still not good around unfamiliar people. I pick her up and keep her rested on my hip.

"Lara, come here. Meet Adelaide and her brother William." She says and I look over to them smiling.

"Its nice to finally meet the last member of the Fernandez family." Adelaide says and I smile.

"Americans." I say smiling and they nod.

"William you take Claudia and Arabella and I'll take Lara and Alannah." Adelaide says pinching Alannahs cheeks but Alannah hides her face in my neck.

"Shall we do Alannah first?" She asks and I look at Alannah and she nods.

She has Alannah try on multiple dresses. They were all lovely dresses but they weren't for Alannah. Alannah requested something purple or yellow.

Once we went through all the yellow and purple dresses Adelaide looked at me worried. "Try whatever." I say and she nods.

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