Chapter 20-Chamadas noturnas

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I was still awake at two when Alannah got up to be sick.

I quickly switch on the lamp so Alannah could see where she was going. I then sigh and head into the bathroom after Alannah.

She was crying standing over the toilet and I held her hair back and rubbed her back.

Once she was finished I brush her teeth as she cried and took her back to bed. I get back to bed and lie her down on her side of the bed.

I sit with my feet dangling off the bed when I grab my phone and begin to text Jax.

Lara- are you still up?

It didn't take long for a response, maybe about 2 minutes.

Jax- I am, what's up?

I smile at the text and turn to Alannah to see she was still asleep before texting back.

Lara-I can't sleep :(

Jax- do you want to facetime?

Before I even had the chance to reply Jax caller ID popped up on my screen. I quickly grab some earphones but only put one in.

"Hello." I say answering the call as Jax's face fills the screen.

"Why can't you sleep?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Why are you awake its almost three, don't you have work tomorrow?" I ask and he nods.

"I have to be up in three hours." He says and my eyes widen.

"Oh my god go to sleep." I say and he laughs.

"Come on tell me why you can't sleep." He pleads and I sigh.

"Only if you will." I say and he nods.

"When my dad left I started to feel less and less safe. That all went away after everything that happened with Alannah. I was so focused on catching my mom that I stopped struggling to sleep for my problems. For the past two years that's all the problem was. But I don't have that problem anymore, I'm safe." I say and he raises an eyebrow clearly confused.

"I don't feel safe." I clarify and he nods now understanding what I was saying.

"Well Nicole and David have security systems." He tells me and I nod.

"I know I know I don't know what it is I just feel unsafe." I say and sigh.

"Well what do you do when you don't feel safe?" He asks and I look away from the phone.

Oh god this is awkward.

"Um well James used to be here so I used to sleep with him." I say and Jax nods.

"Oh." He says and I nod.

"But anyway why aren't you asleep?" I ask and he sighs.

"I've seen a lot of bad things Lara and when I go to sleep it leaves me vulnerable to all that stuff." He admits and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs.

"Look I can't tell you what I saw." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Did you have to sigh a contract or something?" I ask. What are them like non- closure agreements?

"Something like that." He says and I nod and smile.

"You know talking to someone about it might help you sleep. It's bad to keep things bottled up." I say and he smiles.

"You'd be a good therapist." He tells me and I laugh softly.

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