Chapter 6- Preparação

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Friday 3rd July

I wake up on my own in my room. I've been going to bed quite late so I've been waking up at around 8am.

We spent the day yesterday picking our jewellery and making sure our dresses were perfect. Our dresses are hanging up in our closet. We have people coming to do hair and makeup this evening which is very exciting.

Alannah runs into my room and jumps up on the bed.

"Its my birthday tomorrow." She shouts excitedly. I laugh and sit up whilst she jumps around on my bed.

"Yes it is." I say as she continues to jump on my bed.

"I heard someone is going to be 4 tomorrow." Carter says and she squeals in excitement.

He spins her around then they both look at me.

"Get up." They say in excitement. I laugh then get out of bed.

"God I can't remember the last time I didn't see you in a suit." I say tapping his shoulder as I walk past him.

I take Alannah's hand and we head downstairs.

"Manhä." We greet walking into the dinning room where everyone already was.

"I'm going to be four tomorrow." Alannah squeals and they smile at her.

"How excited are you on a scale of one to ten?" My dad asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Eleven." She says and I laugh.

"Are you also excited for tonight?" Marco asks and she nods her head.

"I get to be a princess today and tomorrow." She says and I laugh.

After breakfast I take Alannah up to her room. I brush her teeth and then get her in the bath so she's nice and clean for later.

Once I get her out of the bath I put her in comfy clothes until it's time to get ready.

I know Arabella and Claudia are already getting ready but there is no way we need that much time. I braid her hair so it's nice and curly for later. We then make her bed and she plays with some toys in her room till Carter comes in.

"I'll watch her whilst you get ready and what not." He says and I nod and thank him.

I then give him my phone knowing that James wanted to facetime Alannah today.

After I have a shower I brush my teeth. I then get dressed into some leggings and a crop top. I blow dry my hair as I know someone is coming to do my hair and makeup later.

I head into Alannah's room to see her sat on the phone to James.

"Muma look its James. He told me he gave you my birthday present." She says and I nod.

"I'm going to be four years old James, four." She says and I smile softly.

"Stop growing please." James says and she pouts.

"I want to be as tall as mommy." She says looking up at me.

"You won't have to grow much bigger then." Carter says looking up from his phone to smirk at me whilst James starts laughing.

"Ha ha." I say sarcastically.

After we spoke to James we went down for Lunch. After lunch I allowed Carter to run around with Alannah but not to get her dirty but so he could ware her out.

I was sat in the living room day dreaming with a glass of water in my hand when I heard Alannah scream then start crying.

I drop my glass and jump up and look from my dad to my glass.

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