Chapter 22- A Descer

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I woke up with the urge to be sick and bolted it into the bathroom locking it behind me then started throwing up in the toilet.

"Lara are you okay?" Jax asks whilst knocking on the door.

"Fine." I shout back but then continue to throw up.

Once I had roughly cleaned myself up I unlocked the door and opened it and saw Jax leaning on the side of the wall.

"Jesus you scared me." I say putting a hand on my chest.

"Sorry." He says then picking me up as I feel like I was falling.

He placed me back on his bed and then moved the hair out of my face.

"You're on bed duty today." He says and I sigh.

"Come on Jax I'm fine." I say and be rolls his eyes.

"I need to call my dad." I say.

"Your dad knows. I called Marco and him last night and explained what happened after I found out what they'd given you. We're having a meeting later on what to do and how to strike back." Jax says and I sit up.

"So I have to join?" I ask and he sighs.

"What did I take anyway? I can't remember anything before waking up in that car with Matteo and Gio and even after that things became quiet blurry." I say sighing.

"Ecstasy, we don't know how long it was in your system before we got to you but when you woke up you weren't exactly high. You're body was trying to regect it all." He says and my eyes widen.

"What about Alannah?" I ask and he runs a hand down his face.

"She was just asleep and when the doctor checked her over last night he said she was completely fine." He says and I nod.

He places a soft kiss on my forehead before getting up and walking towards his closet. He comes back out in his gym clothes.

"Go back to sleep Lara, you're going to need it." He says and kisses my forehead again then heads out of the room.

I got out of bed after I decided I should probably check on Alannah.

"Lara. Lara." A voice repeats whilst shaking my body. My eyes flutter open and I was met straight away with Jax looking over me.

"Jesus christ." He says then pulls me into a hug.

He puts me back on the bed and then rings Gio and Matteo to come here.

They both walk in already dressed for the day and look from Jax to me.

"How you feeling sunshine?" Matteo asks making Gio laugh.

"I'm all better." I say and they both look at each other then look at Jax.

"I just came back from the gym to her on the floor unconscious, I need a doctor." He says and I roll my eyes.

"He's being dramatic I just fell and wanted to sleep on the floor." I say and they both laugh.

Matteo then starts to examine my face and puts the back of his hand on my head to take my temperature.

"You're hot." He says and I wink at him and get comfortable in the middle of Jax's bed.

"Have you ever slept on this bed before it's so comfortable?" I ask and he just laughs.

The door opens and I look past Matteo to see Alannah. She runs over to Jax. He picks her up and she finally sees me and smiles.

"Morning." She says smiling.

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