Chapter 13-Dramática

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When I wake up I grab my phone to see it was 11am. Shit that's the latest I've ever woke up. The knocking on the door wouldn't go away.

I run downstairs and open my front door.

"Are you only now waking up?" Jax asks and I run my hand over my face.

"Yeah." I say yawning.

"You look cute." another voice says and I instantly recognize it as Gio's.

I open the door wider for them to come in.

"Where's Alannah?" Gio asks looking around.

"Still asleep." I say and yawn again.

"Jesus what time did you go to bed?" Jax asks.

"Well I couldn't sleep properly and when Alannah came into my room we were talking for ages so probably some time after four." I furrow my eyebrows trying to do the math.

"Mama!" Alannah screams and I turn around and run up the stairs to my room.

"I was downstairs your okay. " I say and she nods. I walk over to my bed and hug her.

"Cute room." Jax says scaring me. What?

"Jesus Jax." I say and he laughs.

"You're still here." Alannah asks and Jax chuckles.

"I just got here, you guys slept in." Jax says and she nods whilst wiping her eye.

"Come on let's go get breakfast." I say picking her up and carrying her downstairs.

I take her into the kitchen and sit her on the counter.

"What shall we have for breakfast?" I ask and Alannah shrugs.

"You guys can sit in the living room if you want." I say addressing Gio and Jax behind us.

"Thirsty." Alannah says so I fill up her beaker and hand it to her. I stare at the island for a solid five minutes before it came to me.

"Mama!" Alannah shouts in my ear.

"Alannah stop shouting in my ear." I say rubbing my ear with the palm of my hand.

"Jax is talking to you but your ignoring him." She tells me and I look at Jax.

"Sorry what did you say?" I ask and he laughs.

"I asked if you were okay and what your plans were today." He tells me and I yawn.

"I'm fine and we're going to the hospital." I say and he nods.

"French toast." I shout and Jax and Gio exchange looks before looking at me weirdly.

"Yay." Alannah squeals.

I cut up a banana and give a bit to Alannah before putting it in the blender. I get eggs out and milk out before making breakfast.

After serving up mine and Alannah's breakfast and offering the boys some. We sit at the island.

After having breakfast I gulped a whole cup of coffee because I just felt so tired.

"Easy tiger." Gio says and I roll my eyes and turn to Alannah.

"Is James going to ring me?" Alannah asks and I run upstairs and grab my phone.

As I get upstairs James facetimes me.

"Hey." I say taking my phone off charge.

"Hi where's Alannah?" He asks and I roll my eyes. James rings every Sunday morning to specifically talk to Alannah.

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