Chapter 26- Juntos novamente

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By the time we had gotten back to the house Alannah had fallen to sleep. I get out if the Car but Jax beats me to Alannah's seat. He then carries her up to her room with me following behind him.

"You go get ready and I'll get her into bed." He says and I nod.

I walk into my room and straight away choose out an outfit to wear for tonight. I choose out some black trousers with a matching jacket. But before I put the jacket on I put a caramel shade t-shirt on underneath.

I quickly make sure my hair and makeup was okay before putting on my black Saint Laurent heels along with my necklace and grabbed my bag.

I sprayed my perfume and looked over myself in the mirror.

"You ready?" Jax asks knocking on the door.

"Mhm." I respond and he opens the door to look at me.

"I'll be there with you. She can't say anything that won't put her in extreme pain." He says holding his hand out.

I look down at his hand and place my hand in his before heading to the car.

The car ride was silent except for the drowned out music that was playing.

We arrived at the warehouse and a chill ran down my spine. Before I knew it the door opened and I looked to Jax. I hadn't even realised that he had got out of the car.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can take you home." He says and I look over the warehouse again.

"I'm sure." I say and be nods. I need to do this.

I follow Jax as we first go to his office. The warehouse wasn't exactly crawling with people like it normally is in the morning.

"Good evening." Gio says cheerfully as we walk into his office.

"Shut up Gio." Jax and takes his regular seat leaving me to sit next to Matteo.

"Today's a good day we get to torture people." Gio says and my eyes widen and me and Matteo look at each other.

"You fucking weirdo. You sound like Rocco." Matteo says making me laugh.

"Anyway." Jax says looking up from his laptop.

"Your mother was put in a separate room from the rest. We think she'll be the easiest to break." Jax says and I nod.

"We think you'll be the one to break her." Gio says and Jax glares at him.

"Do I have to go down there?" I ask playing with my thumbs leaving Gio and Jax to exchange looks.

"Its um not ideal, it uh like. It's like--"

"like what happened with me." I say looking up to Gio as Jax nudges him.

"Look she isn't where you were. The basement has sort of been renovated into cells."  He says and I sigh and stand up.

"Let's just get this out of the way." I say and they stand up and I follow them down to the basement.

As soon as the door opened all that could be heard was slight whimpers. I take a deep breath and follow behind Jax. I grab on to his hand as these stairs were far from safe.

I look across the basement to see women chained to walls. I stand and stared for a little when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I kept staring as I got directed to a cell.

"Melaine we have a little vistor for you." Gio says and she looks up to us.

"Lara?" She questions in shock.

"Hello mother." I say and she takes what sounds like a breath of relief.

"Lara you have to help me." She says and I furrow my eyebrows.

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