Chapter 7- Baile

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Our car stops and I look out the window to notice the familiar beautiful venue.

A guard helps us out to which I quickly thank him in Portuguese. Carter walks round to my side whilst I hold Alannah's hand. I would give everything to be able to pick her up right now. But unfortunately dad told me I was not allowed till atleast half way through the night, I have no reason why.

The paparazzi start taking our photos and a guard has to help us inside. Carter picked Alannah up so she wasn't hurt by the paparazzi and we head inside.

When we get inside Claudia, Arabella, dad and Marco were already there waiting for us. Carter puts Alannah down and she holds my hand as we walks towards the hall. "Are you ready?" Carter asks and I take a deep breath.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say and he kisses my forehead.

We get announced and we walk on to the stairs into a formation

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We get announced and we walk on to the stairs into a formation. Our parents behind us then me and Carter then Alannah in front of us.

I stiffen as I quickly notice Jax but I look away back to the camera man.

Carter puts his hand on my lower back and we smile as the camera man takes a photo.

I'm just glad Alannah hasn't noticed Jax yet.

Carter notices my discomfort as he invites Alannah to go and dance. He kisses my cheek and takes Alannah as far away from Jax as possible.

I wasn't stood there awkwardly for to long as Claudia called me over to where she was talking to someone.

"Hello." I say smiling softly at them.

"You must be Lara it's a pleasure to finally meet the last Fernandez." She says and I smile at her.

"Thank you that's very kind." I say and she nods.

"Lara this is Emma, shes a very high up worker in one of your dad's businesses. Shes lovely." She says and I smile.

"Its nice to meet you." I say and she nods.

Claudia introduces me to quite a few people and I was in the middle of a conversation when I heard someone shout Jax's name. Except I know it wasn't just anyone.

"Sorry excuse me." I say smiling and walk over to where I see Carter standing with Jax.

I look at Carter with wide eyes and he just looks at me with apologetic and sympathetic eyes but I plaster a fake smile on.

"Gio, how are you?" I ask giving him a hug once I finally get to them.

"I'm good, you look amazing." He says once we pull away from the hug.

I step back to Carters side where he puts his hand on my lower back for the constant reassurance that I'm going to need.

"You must be Lara." The girl joint to Gio's side says. I smile at her and nod my head softly.

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