Chapter 16- Não se foi mais

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He brings her over to me and it didn't even look like she was affected by the smoke.

"Mama." She says in disbelief when she realises it's me and begins to cry.

Jax had taken his suit jacket off and wrapped it around her at some point but she was freezing. Underneath his jacket, she was wearing nothing. But I wasnt about to take this moment for granted. She molds into my arms just the way she used to.

Her head instantly went into the crook of my neck and the first thing she went for was my hair.

"Thank you." I mouth to Jax and he nods and smiles.

"How is she?" Carter asks rushing over to me but Alannah flinches.

"She's going to be fine." I say and he nods.

Once everyone made it out safety we got back in the cars.

Matteo was driving the car me and Amara used earlier. Amara and Gio were also in that car. Carter and our dads were in another car then Jax is in here with us.

Alannah hasn't even moved from the position that she first got in when I took her from Jax. Now I can feel how wet my top is.

I pull back and get Alannah to look at me. She had cuts and bruises all over her face, I couldn't even imagine the pain she could be in right now. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot red and I just sighed.

"You're safe I promise no one is ever going to hurt you again." I say and wipe away one of her tears.

"Are we going home?" She asks and I nod. She puts her head back on my chest and that's where she leaves it.

We get on the plane and I take a seat with Jax next to me.

A good twenty minutes into the flight I look at Alannah again.

"Look, Jax is here. He came for your birthday." I say and she looks up to him and he smiles at her.

"Hey narna." He says and her eyes gloss over.

She leaves my arms to go and hug him. I watch them smiling softly.

Alannah comes back into my arms where I stroke her hair out her face whilst she plays with Jax's hand.

"Haverá um médico esperando para vê-la quando ela chegar em casa." dad whispers coming by my side. (there will be a doctor waiting to see her when she gets home )

"Thank you." I say and he smiles and strokes her hair but it makes her flinch.

"Tired." Alannah says and I nod.

"Go to sleep bub, I'm not going to leave your side." I say and she nods. "I love you." I say kissing her forehead.

"How are you feeling?" Jax asks.

"I should be asking you, you look worse than the others but you got out of there before them." I say and he smiles.

"She needed you." He says and I smile and thank him again.

"How do you feel, your cuts look like they hurt." He says and I shake my head for no.

"They don't I promise." I say and he nods.

"How is she?" Gio whispers as he comes to Jax's side.

"She's hurting but I'll get her help." I say then Jax holds one of my hands.

"We'll get her help." He says and I smile. We.

"Jax, I'm scared for her. I can't watch her go through all this." I say and he nods.

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