Chapter 27- A corrida em

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A few days later.

Everything seemed to have calmed down a bit. Most nights between putting Alannah to bed and Jax coming to bed I've had calls with Carter about Brazil and how things are over there. Of course they aren't nearly as bad.

The same as most mornings I had woken up to Jax's alarm signalling he needed to go to the gym.

He leant over Alannah, who had a bad dream and came and got into bed, and kissed my forehead. He then did the same to Alannah who was still fast to sleep with her arms around me.

Whilst Jax was at the gym I decided to just stay in bed along side Alannah. When Jax had came back from the gym he got straight in the shower.

Once he was dressed he came to the foot of his bed.

"Are you coming to have breakfast with us before me and the boys go to work?" He asks and I nod.

I sit up and wake Alannah up. Jax then takes her downstairs in his arms.

After breakfast I take Alannah back up to Jax's room. I'd actually moved my stuff into here because its not like I use the other room anyway.

I had a shower and once I had come out Amara was sat giggling with Alannah.

"Hello." Amara says.

"Hi." I say walking to Jax's closet.

"I'm going shopping today and I was wondering if you wanted to come with." She says.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I say warily making Amara pout.

"Come on mom we can get ice cream." Alannah says and between the pouting from them both I gave in.

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup as quick as I could with Amara rushing me.

I take Alannah to her room and we brush her teeth and clean her face. I then get her dressed into a pastel purple romper before we head out.

We head downstairs to meet Amara telling the guards our plans.

"You ready?" Amara asks and I nod.

"So do you want to drive?" Amara asks as I put Alannah in her car seat.

"Sure, I love driving." I say and She smiles.

I give Alannah my phone after putting YouTube on then get into the drivers seat.

"So where exactly are we going shopping?" I ask and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Let's go to Manhattan's." She says and I nod.

The mall was actually quite quiet there wasn't that many people around which I found quite odd. We went to a few stores before we went for lunch.

We were sat down in the food court eating our food when I caught eyes with a stranger. He had sort of been everywhere we had went, I just thought he was another one of Jax's guards he did sort of look Italian.

After eating our food Amara dragged us into a few more stores but it didn't really bother me as I had brought Alannah a few things.

I wasnt a massive fan off shopping but it's clear Amara was. We had walked back to the car multiple times to put multiple bags in the trunk.

We decided to head for ice cream as a little break because Alannah was now exhausted. It was about 3pm and she hadn't had a nap yet so it was sort of expected.

We get into the ice cream parlor and I order Alannah a strawberry ice cream cone then two cookie doughs flavour for me and Amara. I walk back to the table and give them their ice cream.

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