Chapter 7- Parque

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My alarm rings throughout my room. I sit up and switch if off before running my hands over my face. I sit up and head into my bathroom.

I'm going on a date with Jake tonight and Nicole is watching Alannah. She was very supportive of it. But that's not until 6pm.

Today though I'm taking Alannah shopping for a Halloween costume.

I drag myself out of bed and then head into the bathroom. I have a shower and then I choose out an outfit. I just on some black jeans with a plain black top tucked in. I put on an oversized dark green cardigan and then blow dry my hair.

Half way through blow drying my hair Alannah came running in. I apologise for waking her up and she then watches me continue to blow dry my hair. After blow drying my hair I take Alannah's hand and go downstairs.

When we get into the kitchen I pick Alannah up and put her on the counter. I get 2 bananas and start cutting them up. I give some bits to Alannah as bananas are her favourite. I then put some nutella on toast. I put the bananas on top and cut Alannah into 4 little squares.

We sit at the island eating and Alannah gets nutella around her mouth and down her top. I laugh slightly at the mess. Once we're finished I take her into the living room where she plays with some toys whilst I clean up the mess.

After I clean up the mess me and Alannah head upstairs to her room. I pick out her outfit then take her into the bathroom where we brush her teeth. After brushing her teeth I clean her face. I get her changed into some black leggins with a white stripe up one side. I then put on a green jumper with black and white patterns all over. I put on her socks when she says my name.

"What's up?" I ask her whilst standing up .

"Can we go to the park?" She asks whilst I get the hair brush.

"Sure." I say and she smiles.

I brush through her hair and decide to leave it down today.

After getting Alannah ready we go into my room where I then do little makeup.

"What do you want to be for Halloween?" I ask Alannah as she sits on my bed watching sofia the first.

"Princess." shes says excitedly.

"You were a princess last year." I point out and she shrugs.

"What about you be a bad guy this year?" I suggest and she giggles. I go on my phone and show her some villains and she stops on cruella de vil.

"I want to be her." She tells me and I nod.

"Okay." I say and she smiles. After doing my makeup. I decide to curl my hair so I don't have too do much later.

Once I was done I called Alannah over. I then put out some lip balm and she pouted straight away. I laugh and then put some lip balm on her before putting it back in a draw.

I make my bed and we then head downstairs. I put my phone, keys, purse and Alannah's beaker in my bag. I put on my black Van's and then put Alannah's shoes on her. I tie the laces and she stands up.

I get her coat and put it on her. We head out the door which I stop to lock. She holds my hand and for about 5 minutes but then I end up carrying her.

We get to the mall where we head straight to the costume store. We look around for about 5 minutes before finding a cruella de vil costume. After looking for her size we finally find one.

Once we buy it I hold her hand walking round the mall. We head to another store where I buy Alannah a few more jumpers.

After shopping it was about 12pm. We were going to go to the park for half an hour before going home.

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