Chapter 14- Invasão

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I wake up in my Jax's arms. I move gently and grab his phone and check the time.

Jax wakes up at 6am every morning and it was 5:48am right now.

I carefully get out of his grasp and grabbed his shirt off of the floor and quickly put it on and rushed out.

I headed into my room and lock my bedroom door, wanting to avoid confrontation from Jax.

I didn't want to talk about it just yet. I just wanted to head back to Brazil and find Alannah.

I heard a faint knock on the door then Jax whisper my name but I ignored it and decided that if he asked I'd say I was asleep.

Once I heard him walk away I decided to start getting ready.

After my shower I just straighten my hair as I couldn't really be bothered to wash it. I then get dressed into the outfit I chose out yesterday. I only packed business clothes for some bizarre reason. I put on a plain black t-shirt with some black checkered trousers.

I do my makeup quite natural before putting on the amount of jewellery I normally do. I pack the last of my things into my suitcase and make my bed. I spray some perfume and then put my heels on. I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder as I head downstairs.

I was texting Carter on my phone when I hear Jax shout my name. I pick up my speed into the dinning room where nearly everyone was sat.

"Good morning." I say as I take a seat.

"Ah so you're in here. We need to talk." Jax says as I fill my mouth with food. They all look at me confused and I just smile softly at them.

"After breakfast?" Jax asks and I check the phone on my time.

"I actually have a business call that leads us up to the time we leave." I lie, he nods and looks down as he takes his seat.

After breakfast I ran to my room and sat at the desk in there. I didn't have a business call I was just gonna act like I was.

There was a soft knock at the door which made me look up from my phone.

"Miss Fernandez you're leaving now." Alfred says and I smile. I grab my bag and quickly look around the room to see if I forgot anything.

I head downstairs and say a goodbye to Alfred before getting in a car alongside Amara as all the other men have already left.

I follow Amara onto the plane except this time it wasn't the plane I had been on every month, it was a different one.

Me and Amara sit down as she begins to tell me about where the boys are.

As if on queue the boys walk on to the plane.

I avoid any eye contact with Jax whilst waiting to set off.

Amara moved half way into the flight to go and sit with Gio. Quite literally with Gio but I didn't mind, I had some thinking to do anyway.

I was watching out the window the whole time just thinking.

Last night was amazing and I love Jax so much but I don't know how to go about this. I don't even know if I can do this again.

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes as I was starting to get a headache.

"Lara. We need to talk." I hear Jax whisper softly as he sits beside me. "About us." He adds and I move my head from the window to his hand.

"I can't think straight Jax." I whisper whilst holding his hand.

"Later." I promise.

He signals for me to come to him even though our chairs were right next to each other. I get out of my seat and sit on his lap. I take my heels off and cuddle into Jax's side.

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