Chapter 36- Doccia

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Jax's POV
My alarm rings and it was almost 6am. I quickly switch it off not wanting to wake Lara up.

"Are you getting up now?" Lara asks. I turn to her and she was rubbing her eyes. There goes not trying to wake her up.

"Yeah I'm meeting Gio at the gym in ten minutes." I say and she nods.

"How are you feeling?" I ask pushing some hair out of her face.

"I'm okay." She says sitting up.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" I ask and she shakes her head.

Lara and I had sex last night for the first time and it was the best I've ever had and it was only her first time.

"No thank you." She says. I kiss her forehead then get out of bed and get changed into my gym clothes.

"I'll be back in about an hour and a half. Try and go back to sleep." I say and she nods.

I head down to the gym where I meet Gio every morning.

Gio wasn't here yet so I just grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the bench waiting for him.

Gio strolls in and sits beside me.

"Morning." He says yawning.

"Late night?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yep." He says and I stand up.

We head over to the treadmill where we always start of our mornings.

"You're in a better mood what happened to you?" Gio asks and I roll my eyes.

"None of your business." I snap and he looks at me shocked.

"Oh my god, you guys had sex." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You're never this happy after you get laid." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Gio I don't want to talk about my sex life with you." I tell him.

"Since when, you're always bragging about your sex life." He says and I sigh. Not anymore.

"It's different with Lara. I want it to be private." I tell him and Gio rolls his eyes.

"Do you love her?" He asks and I turn to him.

"What? No." I say looking at him shocked.

"I think you might do." He says and I look at him confused.

I need him to tell me that what I feel for Lara is either attraction or love. Because my lines have blurred.

"Why?" I ask glancing at him.

Gio hits the stop button on the treadmill then stands there.

"Everything about you has changed for the better since you've been with her." He says and I continue running but roll my eyes. He's actually pulling out the better man card.

"You haven't been a man whore, you haven't got drunk in ages. You're softer." He says.

"That has nothing to do with being in love with her." I say.

"He's right you know." My mom's voice calls out as she steps into the gym.

I press stop on the treadmill and then step off of the treadmill.

"Sweetheart there's nothing wrong with being in love." Mom says and I run my hand through my hair.

"How do I know?" I ask looking at the floor.

"Think about these questions okay." Mom says and I nod. Fucking hell, this is really happening.

"Is she your first and last thought of the day? Do you see her in your future? Is there anything you wouldn't do for her? I'm not gonna list a bunch of questions for you but just think about them sweetheart. There's nothing wrong with being in love." She says kissing my forehead.

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