Chapter 12- Pavor

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Once I wake up I check the time on Carters phone to see it had just gone 6am. I sigh and roll over and put my head on Carters chest.

"Are you going to be okay?" Carter asks and I look up.

"I guess so." I say shrugging.

"You'll be fine this time. It won't be long and you'll get to see James ." He says and I sigh.

"I am not looking forward to that the most." I say and he kisses my forehead.

"Are you packed?" He asks and I nod.

"I am." I say and he wraps his arms around me.

"I think you should go get ready." He says and I nod sighing.

"Hey can we go to the warehouse first." I say sitting up and Carter furrows his eyebrows.

"You know, to calm my nerves." I say and he laughs.

"Of course." He says kissing my forehead and I climb out of bed and head to my room.

I head to my room where I then have a shower. Once I get out of the shower I blow dry and straighten my hair. I then head into my closet and choose out an outfit.

It was a nude colour shorts with a matching blazer and a white shirt tucked in. I once I did the matching belt I took a deep breath before doing my makeup. I do my makeup the same almost every morning.

I then put on my Dior nude heels and my Dior necklace when there was a knock at the door.

"Zua bagagem, por favor, senhorita Fernandez." He says and I quickly give him my suitcase and smile at him as he leaves. (Your luggage please miss Fernandez.)

I make my bed and spray my perfume. I grab my white Saint Laurent bag on a chain and sigh. I put my phone in the bag along with a few other things before heading downstairs.

I head down the stairs and into the dinning room. I sit down with some coffee and have some breakfast. After breakfast I turn to Carter and he nods.

"We have some quick business to attend, we'll uh meet you at the airport." Carter says making everyone confused.

"What business?" Marco asks.

"Nothing you have to worry about." Carter says as he gently pushes me out of the room.

Once we get to the warehouse someone opens the door for me.

"Bem vinda de volta senhorita fernandez." The familiar man says as I smile.

"Obrigado Luiz." I say making him smile. I wait for Carter to get by my side before we head on in.

"I actually need to give you your buisness phone." Carter says and I nod.

I speak to quite a few of our men before heading into the office with Carter.

"I set it up so you're in every single group chat and all of that." Carter says and I thank him and put it in my bag.

"Do you feel better now?" He asks and I take a deep breath and I nod.

We speak to a few more people before leaving and heading to the airport. Carter pulls up by everyone elses cars.

"Obrigado." I say as one of the men open the door for me.

I walk to the front of the car where I hug Carter.

"Call me if you get any closer to finding her." I say and he nods.

"Of course I will. Call me if you need me." He says and I nod smiling.

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