Chapter 5-flores

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Lara's pov
I wake up to my alarm yet again. I switch it off and notice Alannah still cuddling my arm. She's so adorable and cuddly when she's sleepy.

"Alannah." I say gently shaking her. She stretches and looks up at me.

"Manhã." I say which causes Alannah to giggle. She sits up and wraps her arms around me.

"Mama I prefer it here then home." She tells me and I hug her back looking around my room.

"I know you do bubba." I say and kiss her forehead.

A soft knock on the door causes us to look over at the door where Nicole steps in.

"Breakfast will be at the table in 5." She tells us and I smile.

"Thank you" I say and she smiles.

"Obrigado." Alannah says which causes me to turn my attention back to her.

Portuguese is my second language because I used to go like once a month to Brazil with my dad  before he left. I speak as much as I can so I don't forget and I wanted Alannah to know Portuguese as well. So when she said thank you just then, that made me proud. I hug her tightly and she giggles.

We go downstairs and David was already sat at the dining table on his phone. Nicole puts a stack of pancakes at the table whilst me and Alannah sit down. Alannah goes wide eyed as she sees the pancakes. I laugh and then Nicole sits down.

"You guys should come over more we miss you." Nicole says. Alannah looks up at me and smiles widely.

"That way you won't have to deal with your stupid mother." David says quietly but we could all hear him. Nicole slaps his arm and points a finger in his face to tell him to behave.

"How was the party?" Nicole asks as I cut Alannahs pancakes.

"Well I made a friend and then my mom completely ruined the night by being a you know." I say and she laughs.

"Explain to me later." She says and I nod.

"How was your guys night?" I ask.

"We had a princess doctor operate on us till dinner time then we watched movies and played for the whole evening." Nicole says smiling widely between us. I smile between them both.

I need to come here more often. I love the energy Nicole has around her.

After breakfast Nicole watches Alannah so I can have a shower. I get out of the shower and then get dressed. I decide to wear black jeans with an orangey yellow hoodie.

I then decide to put my hair up as it needs washing. I put some socks on and go down to the living room.

Alannah was watching Sofia the first whilst drinking from her beaker. Nicole had her arm around her and it was so cute. I go and sit on the sofa next to them and Nicole smiles.

"Do you have work to go to today?" I ask and Nicole looks at her phone.

"I have a few hours till I have to head to the police station." She says and I nod. Yay!

"Right come on then you, lets get you changed." I say holding my hand out for Alannah. She smiles and takes my hand and we head upstairs to my room.

We go into the bathroom first where I help Alannah brush her teeth. When she brushes her teeth I clean her face then take her into our room. I grab her bag which contained today's outfits. I dress her in some black leggins and then a grey jumper. I put 2 braids in her hair. I put our stuff into our bags and leave them in the room whilst me and Alannah go downstairs.

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