Chapter 22-Tempestade

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When I wake up Alannah was still fast to sleep. I lean over to my bedside unit and grab my phone off of charge.

It's currently 8am.

I yawn and lie down so I can try and go back to sleep. Unfortunately sleep didn't come.

When Alannah wakes up it was about 9:30am. She hugs me immediately and keeps her head on my chest to look up at me.

"I can't wait to see Jax today." She says excitedly.

"We aren't going till this evening so you'll have to have a nap." I tell her and she nods. She sits up and I then follow her action and stand up.

"Let's get breakfast." I say and she nods and takes my hand.

"Manhä!" Alannah exclaims walking into the dining room.

"Manhä!" Nicole says back to us and we sit down.

I cut Alannah's food for her whilst she drinks from her beaker. We make small talk over breakfast about sleep and our plans for the day. This is typically how breakfast goes every morning and it's nice.

Once breakfast is finished me and Alannah go into the living room. Nicole and David go to get ready for the day whilst we sit and play in the living room.

"What do you want to wear today?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Something pretty." She says and I smile at her.

Once Nicole and David come into the living room I head upstairs to get ready.

I leave my phone with Alannah as she waits for James weekly facetime call to her on a sunday. I have a shower then I quickly get changed. I pull my jeans on and tuck my black top into them. Once I'm finished I then put on a cardagian.

Once I finished getting changed I make the bed before drying my hair. Once my hair was dry I straighten it and do my makeup

Once I was ready I pack away all my things when Alannah runs in.

"You look pretty mommy." She says.

I turn round and she was stood there with my phone in her hand and looking up at me excitedly.

"Come on let's get you ready." I say and take her into the bathroom.

I help her brush her teeth and I then clean her face.

Once I help her get clean I sit her on the freshly made bed. She looks around the room odly fascinated as I try to find her something to wear. She then fills me in on the phone call she had with James.

I pull out a skirt and a jumper for Alannah to wear. I then get some tights out to dress her up warm, like Jax had requested.

"Do you know where we're going?" Alannah asks as I carefully brush her hair.

"Not a clue." I say with a hair tie in between my teeth. I proceed in doing a half up half down hairstyle in her hair.

Once we were ready we head downstairs. Nicole and David weren't planning on doing much today. They were going to visit David's mom for a few hours but they just wanted a chill day today.

They were putting on their shoes as we get to the bottom of the stairs.

"We're leaving now." Nicole says and I nod. "Do you want to come, you have hours to kill till Jax picks you guys up?" She asks again.

Alannah nods her head quite fast I was scared she would get whiplash.

Nicole laughs slightly and I then help Alannah put her shoes on. I get my shoes on and David helps Alannah with her coat.

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