Chapter 23- Eu lembro

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I had woken up when Jax's alarm went off. I rolled over as he turned it off and climbed out of bed.

"Go back to sleep." He whispers in my ear as he leans over me.

I lie on my back and watch him walk over to his closet and once he was in his gym clothes he said a goodbye before heading down to the gym.

I couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided on having a shower. I went back to my room and chose my outfit out for today.

Once I chose my outfit I headed back to Jax's room where I then had a shower. He completely had a better shower which is definitely unfair but its his house so I guess it's not.

After getting dressed into a white beach dress with a v neckline I head back into Jax's room. I then make his bed and just as I was about to leave to blow dry my hair he walks in.

"Good morning?" He says confused and I just smile at him.
"Good morning." I say and walk past him to head to the room I was supposed to be staying in.

Once I get in there I blow dry and straighten my hair. For my makeup I just did a bit of concealer, mascara and my eyebrows.

I walk into Alannah's room to wake her up and she sat up and hugged me straight away.

We walk into the dinning room to see everyone else seated around the table.

"Lara how are you feeling today?" Gio asks and I nod.

"Lots better, thank you." I say and he smiles at me.

After breakfast me and Alannah head to the living room. We play with a few of the toys that were left here and some of the toys we brought from LA. She was happy which made me smile as I tried to remember that flight journey.

It didn't make sense to me how I couldn't remember anything, surely I didn't consume that much and if I did how didn't I realise?

After playing with Alannah's toys Amara came in the living room. I put Doc mcstuffins on the tv for Alannah and she happily climbed onto my lap and watched it as she fell to sleep.

"So how was LA? Jax told us that you spent some time in LA before coming here." She says and I nod.

"I wanted to get Alannah away from with everything that happened. We have an apartment out there and she loves it out there and it was nice." I say and she smiles.

"Alannah seems so much better. Back in Brazil she was so clingy and emotional which is totally understandable but now she seems happier. She came down and had breakfast with us yesterday without you or Jax." She says and I smile.

"She used to be close with Gio. He was her best friend so I'm glad she came down and had breakfast with you guys yesterday." I said and she smiles.

Me and Amara then spoke for ages until Alannah woke up and was hungry.

We went into the kitchen and had some lunch when Jax walked in with Gio and Matteo.

"Dad." She shouts in excitement and standing up on the stool.

I held her hand for support and Jax makes his way to her and picks her up off of the stool.

"Guess what!" Alannah says as Jax sits in her seat and sits her on the island infront of us.

Gio and Amara were caught up in their own conversation and Matteo was getting something from the fridge.

"What?" Jax asks enthusiastically.

"I woke up from my nap and I dreamt about dancing bananas." She says making us laugh.

"That's amazing, you'll have to show us some moves they were doing later." He says and she nods excitedly.

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