Extra chapter 2

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Lara's POV
May 8th

I wake up in my hotel room with Alannah. She's still fast asleep, her body clung to mine.

I sat up slowly and carefully, to be reminded how alone I truly am.

On people's weddings, they're surrounded by their friends and family.

My mom are dad both dead. Claudia, Arabella, Carter, dead.

I still have James, Nicole and David thank god but it's kind of sad. It's definitely a clear reminder.

Alannah suddenly becomes unsettled and I look down and hold her hand. Hey eyes spring open and her eyes bore into mine. Not creepy.

"Hi bub." I smile and so does. "You're getting married." She jumps up.

A knock on the door has her rushing for the door and trying to open it.

I open the door to James and Nicole. "Hi." I smile and they rush in.

"Let's get you ready." Nicole says squeezing my hands.

"Stop." I say to Nicole who was on the verge of tears. "Sorry sorry." She says fanning her face.

"You look like a princess." Alannah says leaning in to kiss me. "Thank you bub." I say and kiss her cheek.

"How's Jax?" I ask James and he nods. "He looks like a prince." Alannah says and I smile.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that Jax would leave me at the altar and there is no way in hell, I'd leave him.

"We should probably get going." Nicole says and I nod. I lean down to pick Alannah up but Nicole swats at my hands. "She can walk." She says and Alannah pouts.

"It's nothing about you, but her dress." Nicole says and Alannah grabs my hand and nods slowly.

"I'm not going to lie to you." James says as he walks with me. "I never thought you'd get married." He says and I roll my eyes. "Im serious. The way you were before Jax. I was adamant I would have to save your sorry ass at 27." He says and I scoff.

"Are you ready?" Nicole asks Alannah and Alannah nods. "I'll give the queue and everyone will follow suit." Nicole says before rushing away.

"Lara?" Amara says and I spin to look at her. "Jesus Christ." She says covering her mouth. "You look... amazing. God! Being a bride suits you." She says and I smile.

"I've gotta go. I'll see you in there." She says kissing my cheek.

Me and Jax decided against bridesmaids and groomsmen. He has Gio and I have James. They're the only people we'll have there.

"Are you ready narna?" I ask and she smiles. "Of course." She smiles and I take a deep breath.

Once Alannah follows her queue, everything feels real. "I'll see you in there, Fernandez." James says and kisses my cheek before walking towards the aisle as well.

"I bet he's loving the attention." David says as he hooks his arm with mine. "James? Definitely." I smile.

"Sometimes I think that boy was born with to get attention." He jokes as we near the door.

"Oh god." I say and David smiles at me. "Thank you." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "For choosing me for this." He says and I smile. "You and Nicole. You've done a lot for me and Alannah." I say and he smiles.

"You're like my daughter Lara." He says and I smile. "Thank you. For everything." I say and he nods and kisses my cheek. "I'm glad your happy. You deserve it. I admit, I didn't want you and Jax together but it was inevitable." He says and I try and bite my lips.

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