Chapter 38- Tchau

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I wake up the same time as Jax's alarm. He quickly switches it off and rolls back to face me. He places a kiss to my forehead making me smile softly.

"I'm going to the gym." He says and I nod.

Once Jax leaves I climb out of bed and head straight to the bathroom. I have a quick shower and then once I was finish I blow dry and straighten my hair before getting dressed.

I put on a blue and white checkered skirt and a white shirt before putting on the matching blazer. I then do my makeup but whilst I was in the midst of doing okay Jax came back and had a shower.

Whilst Jax got dressed I made our bed and then woke Alannah up and put on my white Dior heels before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning." We say smiling and taking our normal seats. Breakfast seemed weird this morning, most of the time it was normal for all seven of us to have breakfast. But on some days where something significant had happened it was a little awkward.

"So uh, Lara are you all packed and ready for Brazil?" Matteo asks and I nod smiling.

"Yeah." I say and he smiles at me.

"Well it'll be extremely odd to not have the pair of you around here." Matteo says making me smile.

"What about me?" Amara asks and Matteo just takes a bite of his food.

"Well it'll get you out of here for a bit and we won't have to listen to your constant whinging." Matteo says and Amara rolls her eyes.

"Charming." She says before taking a mouthful of her food.

After breakfast I take Alannah upstairs and get her ready. After making her bed we head downstairs to say goodbye.

All the boys were stood in the foyer saying goodbye to Amara, well except for Jax. "You girls ready?" Jax asks and I nod.

After Alannah gave both Rocco and Matteo the longest hugs and said goodbye she went straight into Jax's arms. Rocco had a confused and shocked facial expression which made me giggle.

I hug Matteo first and he hugs me back just as tight.

"You're going to be the best leader ever, might give Jax a run for his money." He says making me laugh and pull back from the hug.

"Keep being a charmer, won't you?" I ask and he smiles.

"Of course I will, that's not even a question." He says and I turn from Matteo to Rocco.

Rocco and I don't hug he just give me a nod.

"It was nice meeting you Rocco." I say and he nods.

"You too Lara." He says and I smile and then turn to Jax.

"Let's get moving." Jax says and we head to his car.

I sat in the front beside Jax and Gio was in the middle in the back between Alannah and Amara.

The whole journey was silent, even Alannah didn't talk. Jax had his hand resting on my thigh the whole way to the airport and didn't move it once.

Once we got to the airport I take a deep breath and step out of the car. Jax's security that had also came in separate cars to the airport put our luggage on the plane.

I helped Alannah out of the car and we walked over to Jax who was talking to his security. He turns to me and smiles softly before looking down at Alannah.

"I hope you're going to be a good girl for your mom." He says and she puts her arms up signalling she wants him to pick her up, which he does.

"I'm going to be a good girl I promise." She says and I smile.

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