Chapter 37- Eu te amo

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Lara's POV
Alannah and I spent the day watching films. My body ached and well I didn't want to do much. I just wanted to chill.

"Hey you guys." Nicole says walking into the living room with David behind her.

"Hiya!" Alannah says jumping over me to hug them. I wince in pain slightly and David furrows his eyebrows.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah." I say smiling at him.

After dinner me and Alannah went up to my room where we facetimed James.

"Hello girlies." He says and Alannah immediately steals my phone from me. She rambles on about how excited she is to next see him.

After about an hour James jumps up.

"Look I'm heading to a party so I'm going to let you guys go." He says and we nod.

"Have fun" I say and he smiles

"I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." He says and we say goodbye.

"Right bath time for you." I say and Alannah claps her hands excitedly.

"Yay!" She says jumping up. I leave her on the bed whilst I run her a bath and get her some pyjamas.

After Alannah's bath we say Goodnight to David and Nicole. I get into bed beside Alannah.

"I'm not tired." Alannah says and I pick up my phone to see it was 7:30pm.

"Hmm let's watch a film and hopefully you'll fall asleep." I say and she nods.

We put the film on and I lie with Alannah. She cuddles into my side and watches the film with me.

"I love you." She whispers to me causing me to smile.

I look down at this three year old infromt of me and think about how happy I am she's in my life.

"I love you too." I say playing with her hair.

I may not be her biological mom but I raised her and gave up a lot for her. I would do anything for her. Looking down at her now while she yawns and cuddles my side makes me happy. I could have the worst day and all I would need is a hug from her to make things better.

Once Alannah falls to sleep I switch the tv off.

I get into my pyjamas and tie my hair in a messy bun. I take my makeup off and then and wash my face and brush my teeth.

I switch the night light on and turn the main light off.

I grab my phone and charger and head into the spare bedroom.

I put my phone on charge and pull the white comforter over me. I nuzzle my head into the pillow and lie on my side of the bed.

I'm so tired.

Jax. I feel safer around Jax then I ever have with anyone before. I look forward to getting into bed and talking with Jax every single night.

Since last night, something feels different. I can't put my finger on it but I know it feels different. I couldn't imagine being with anyone other then Jax.

He treats Alannah and I better than I think anyone ever has. He's so amazing with her and my heart melts every time they're together.

It's weird because I didn't think he would stay at all. Yet he's still here and everyday he proves me wrong. He is amazing with Alannah and I'm so grateful for that.

Alannah still has nightmares almost every night and Jax does not fail to get out of bed with me when I hear Alannah crying. He follows me to Alannah's room and we calm her down together.

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