Chapter 35- A Conversa

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A while later, Wednesday 25th November.

It's been quite a while since we had got Dmitri. He is still in Jax's warehouse basement getting tortured day in day out.

Its Thanksgiving tomorrow which we're all spending here, no one is working.

Me, Jax and Alannah are going to go to the Miller's house for a few hours to say hello though.

Me and Alannah are supposed to return to Brazil on Friday so I still need to have a conversation with Jax.

Jax was currently in the gym and I was left sat against the headboard thinking.

I'm extremely worried about taking Alannah to Brazil with me with this time. It won't be long till dad and Marco move out and it'll be just us two in that big house. I don't have anyone to watch Alannah incase I need to run to an emergency meeting. I don't have a second hand or a clue for who my second hand could be. I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.

When Jax came into his bedroom he looked a sweaty mess.

"Are you alright?" He asks as I bite on my knuckles nervously.

"Jax we need to talk." I say and he sighs. We've been putting this talk off for as long as we could but I leave in two days and its shambles. I've got no clue what to do whatsoever.

"Okay, we can talk this evening. My schedule is clear from 7pm." He says and I nod.

He heads towards the bathroom leaving me sat there just staring at the wall thinking of the possible outcomes.

Once Jax had come out of the shower he makes his way towards the bed.

"We'll think of something Lara, go and get ready, amore." He says and I sigh. He places a soft kiss to my forehead as I climb out of bed.

After my shower I put on some jeans with one of Jax's t-shirts before heading into Alannah's room.

Alannah was already up and Jax was now sat playing with her toys with her.

"Mama." She squeals running over to me.

"Manhä bub." I say picking her up and placing her on my hip.

I don't want to accept the fact that Alannah is getting bigger now. She doesn't need carrying around. She doesn't need help cleaning her teeth or getting dressed. She can do quite a lot by herself but I just want to be by her side helping her which unfortunately can't happen all the time.

"Go on show your mom what I taught you." Jax says and I furrow my eyebrows and look at her.

"Mattina." She says and my eyes widen. I look at Jax who just laughs.

"I can say good morning in three languages now." She says making me smile.

After breakfast Jax heads to the warehouse with the four other boys leaving me, Amara and Alannah here.

I haven't told Alannah specifically what day we're going back to Brazil yet, she just knows it's very soon.

Me, Alannah and Amara pretty much just chilled all day. The boys had come home for dinner and for the most part, things seemed normal. Except for Jax who had this look of dread on his face.

At about 7 I took Alannah up for her bath. She still enjoyed bath time overall. She just did a lot more things herself now, with my supervision.

It sounds selfish but I don't want her to grow up. We've been through so much already and I don't want it to get worse. I just want her to stay this little forever.

After her bath she gets into her pyjamas and she brushes her teeth. We head into her room where Jax was sat at the foot of her bed just texting on his phone. She smiles and takes a seat beside him whilst I braid her hair.

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