Chapter 25- Melhor amiga

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I had woken up to Jax's alarm at 6am. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and looked around the room to see Jax with a pillow over his head.

I lean over him and switch his alarm off then sit up leaning against the headboard.

Jax sat up and looked at me with a soft smile on his face.

"Good morning." He says making me smile back at him.

"Good morning." I say and he yawns before climbing out of bed.

"You should go back to sleep Lara." He says as I start to yawn.

"Hmm." I say and lie back down on his bed.

I didn't end up falling asleep, I instead after about 20 minutes I went on my phone in bed until Jax came back.

"Did you get anymore sleep." He asks as I yawn.

"Nope." I say and he sighs.

"Do you still want to go to the Miller's house today?" He asks and I nod.

"I get it if we can't though." I say and he walks over to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

"We're getting new number plates this morning. I was going to go to the warehouse but we can go tonight after we put Alannah to bed." He says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say and scrunch my nose up.

"What?" He asks confused making a wide smile spread across my face.

"You stink." I say pushing him back playfully. He laughs and steps even closer so I fall back on the bed making him laugh even more before he heads for the bathroom.

"Your welcome to join me." He says and I prop myself up on my elbows.

"I'd rather not." I say playfully.

I then decided to get ready for the day myself. I had a shower, got dressed and did both my hair and makeup. I was half way through doing my makeup when Jax and Alannah came in.

Alannah came over to me and climbed into my lap straight away.

"What's up bub?" I say putting my mascara down.

"I missed you." She says and I kiss her forehead. I continued to get ready then with Alannah in my arms.

I held Alannah's hand as we headed down for breakfast. When we got into the dining room she immediately sat in her chair and began eating.

After breakfast we wished the boys a good day at work as they headed out the front door. Jax was going to come back at around noon to go to the Miller's house.

I take Alannah up to her room and help her brush her teeth and clean her face. Once she was clean I chose out her outfit with was a green denim skirt with a white t-shirt.

"Where are we going today?" Alannah asks as I sit her between my legs and brush through her hair.

"We're going to see James, but it's a surprise." I say and a massive smile spreads across her face.

"I've missed James so much." She says and I smile.

"Me too." I reply.

We waited in the living room. Amara was keeping us company whilst Alannah coloured in a colouring book.

I couldn't imagine how lonely it was for Amara here before me and Alannah came here.

Even though since we arrived they've been working in their home office its extremely quite around the house. There isn't really anyone to talk to, except for the butler really. Us girls are grateful to have each other to talk to now around the house but I couldn't imagine how lonely Amara was before.

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