Chapter 8-Pior encontro

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"Are we staying at Auntie N's tonight?" She asks.

"They have to get up early in the morning so maybe not." I say and she nods.

We sit watching doc mcstuffins before we go up to Alannah's room.

I go into her room and grab her bag. I go through her draws and pick out some pyjamas. I put them in a bag I get her some clothes for tomorrow incase I do decide to stay. I put her toothbrush, hair brush and then some hair ties in the bag before zipping it up. 

I do a look over her room to see if I was missing anything but I wasn't.

Alannah and I head downstairs. I grab my phone before getting in the car. I left my house at 4:30 to get to Nicole and David's about half an hour later thanks to New York traffic.

I get out and go over to Alannah's side. As soon as I open her door the front door opened. I helped Alannah out and then she ran up the steps to Nicole who was standing waiting for us. I go to the trunk and grab Alannah's bag before walking up to them.

I hand Nicole Alannah's bag and Nicole smiles at me.

"Are you coming in?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No I need to go back and get ready." I say and just as I say that David pulls up into the drive.

"Its Jax." Alannah shouts as Jax gets out the passenger seat of the car.

Someone climbs out of the backseat of the car and I recognize him from the man that was with Jax when we first met. Alannah runs over to Jax where he then picks her up.

David and Nicole exchange looks and then I smile at Alannah and Jax.

"The traffic is crazy." David says and I sigh.

"You best get going then." Nicole says. I smile and then thank them again. I walk over to Jax whose holding Alannah still.

"Bye mama" she says and kisses me which makes me smile. I smile at Jax then look behind him to the man stood there.

"Oh Lara this is Giovanni. Gio this is Lara." He introduces.

"Call me Gio or Vanni." He says and I shake his hand.

"Well I need to go" I say looking from Gio to Jax.

"Be a good girl." I tell Alannah and she nods her head.

"I am." She says and I smile. True.

On the way home I can finally listen to normal music that people actually listen to because Alannah isn't in the car with me. I prefer to listen to music from movies like frozen in the car with her because it's more age appropriate.

When I get home I go up to my room and get dressed. I go over my hair and makeup and chose a dress to wear. The dress was fairly simple just because I don't want to be too much.

I sit on the sofa and wait until the doorbell rings. When I do hear the doorbell ring I stand up and walk over to the door.

"You look nice." Jake says and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you so do you." I say stepping out.

I close the door and lock it and we head to his car. I get to the passenger seat before climbing in.

We were going to cheesecake factory. Unfortunately there's not here so we have to drive like forty minutes to get to the closest one and then with New York traffic on top of that.

On the drive over we just spoke about what happened at Jake's work today.

When we got to cheesecake factory what got shown to a table straight away. We sit down at the table.

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