Chapter 18- Pai

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A couple of days later, Friday 24th July.

After giving the maid our breakfast order I climb out of bed. I have a quick shower and then get dressed. I put on some light blue washed out high waisted denim shorts. I then blow dry and straighten my hair.

I head into my room to see Alannah starting to toss and turn. I rush to her side and hold her hand. I then stroke the strands of hair out of her face.

"Bub it's time to wake up." I say trying to wake her up.

She sits up and yawns. I smile at her and kiss her cheek which makes her smile.

"Whenever you're ready we'll go down for breakfast." I say putting youtube on my laptop for her to watch.

We don't have breakfast or dinner with everyone else. Alannah doesn't feel comfortable around anyone in this house other than me and Jax.

Jax and I still need to talk about it because I don't know what the next step from here is.

Jax is leaving this evening. We still need to sort out things like Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays everything like that. I need to be here, I have people now and I can't go back to New York. We have so much to talk about and very little time to talk about it.

Alannah still hasn't really spoke about the events that occurred, but it didn't bother me. Obviously I wanted her to talk to me about it, but it's only been five days.

"I'm ready for breakfast now." Alannah says as her stomach growls making me smile softly at her. Once I help her out of bed I take her hand and head downstairs to the dinning room.

We go into the dinning room and to no surprise, it was empty.

Alannah eats her bagel and then some fruit whilst I drink some coffee and I eat a bit of my bagel.

After breakfast I take her back up to my room. She sits at the window seat playing with her stuffed animals whilst I make the bed. After I make the bed, me and Alannah brush our teeth then I wash her face. After I wash her face an idea strikes me.

"Why don't we celebrate your birthday today? We can open all of your toys then we can have lots of fun." I say and Alannah perks up and nods her  head quickly.

"Okay then." I say and she nods.

I choose out a mint green vintage ruffle sleeve dress for her. I then brush her hair and use some clips to keep the main strands of hair out of her face.

Now that we were both ready we head into Alannah's room and she looks around at all the presents and her eyes widen.

"Wow." She says and I nod.

She quickly rushes over and begins to open her presents.

After she opened them she waddles over to me with wide arms signalling for me to pick her up. I do so and rest her on my hip.

"Thank you." She says and I smile and kiss her forehead.

Alannah goes and plays with her new toys whilst I clean up the mess that was made from her opening all her presents.

"Mama will we ever go back to our house?" Alannah says and I look up at her confused.

"What in New York?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"Where we live with James." She says. She means our apartment in LA.

"Maybe bub, I need to talk to vovô." I say and she nods.

After cleaning her room up I go into my room to grab my phone when I see Carter stood in there.

"Um I need to talk to you." Carter says and I glance into Alannah's room and see her playing with her toys calmly.

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