Chapter 15-Incazzata

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Jax's POV

"What on earth are you doing?" Gio asks walking into the gym.

"Working out." I say and roll my eyes.


"In a suit? Plus I wouldn't call it working out. I would say aggressively punching a punching bag." Gio comments and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not in the mood." I tell him and he sighs.

"You haven't been in the mood since everything went down with Lara and Alannah on Wednesday. It's now friday. Stop being a boring ass." Be says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm pissed off so leave me alone Gio." I say and continue punching.

"You've been pissed since we left Lara's, what even happened? You never told me." He asks and I sigh. I don't even understand fully.

"You wanna know huh?" I ask and throw one last punch.

"I rang Lara. Whilst me and Lara were on the phone their mother hit Alannah. So lara blamed me and told me she doesn't want to see me again." I say before grabbing a drink.

"Jesus." He says and I shrug my shoulders.

"She's been at the Miller's since so that's calmed my nerves." I admit and Gio sighs.

"Have you tried talking to her?" He asks and I roll my eyes. Tried? Yes. Have we actually talked? No.

"I rang her multiple times." I say before walking back over to the punching bag.

"Stop we have a meeting later and your gonna get a sweat on if you carry on." Gio says walking over to me. I roll my eyes and head upstairs and out to the back garden.

"I text Lara earlier." He admits and I turn around to look at him immediately.

"I asked her how she was doing." He tells me.

"Did she respond?" I ask and he nods

"She did." He says.

"Its nice to know she still has a phone then." I respond sarcastically as I sit down.

"What did she say?" I ask and he sighs

"She said she was okay and that Alannah misses us." He says and I smile slightly.

I hope Alannah is okay.

"But she doesn't though?" I ask as he sits down as well.

"You just need to give her time to cool down." Gio says and I sigh.

"Well if your pissed we can have a look and see if there are any hits that need completing." Gio says coming behind me.

"No I don't want to shoot anyone. I want to punch someone really really hard." I say and Gio sighs.

"Of course you do." He says under his breath.

"Look you and Lara weren't anything anyway so it shouldn't be hard to move on". Gio says and I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

He fucking better be joking. Lara was the first girl I've ever actually liked.

"We can go to a club." Gio says and I roll my eyes. I would rather not.

"No." I say and he sighs.

After bickering with Gio it was time to do a job. We get into Gio's car and head out to do the job.

After about 30 minutes we arrived in a poorer neighbourhood.

"That's it." Gio says pointing to a house and I nod.

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