Chapter 14-Abuso

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I was right about mom having to stay home. She came home monday and is due to go back to work in two weeks.

Me and Alannah spend most time in Alannah's room playing with her toys and watching tv. We don't spend much time around mom except for dinner which is very awkward.

Jax came over yesterday and told me that mom wouldn't let him in on monday.

When my alarm rings at 8am I switch it off and get in the shower.

Once I get out  of the shower I get dressed into a white t-shirt and light blue jeans. I then put on a black chunky cardagian before waking Alannah up.

Because mom has been here these past couple of days, we haven't been sleeping. Alannah gets a lot more sleep then me which makes me grateful. However I only get about 4 or 5 hours sleep.

Once Alannah's awake I pick her up and head downstairs. We get downstairs and I make us some breakfast.

We had avocado on toast and Alannah also had a banana. Once we finish I wash up our plates then head upstairs.

We go into the bathroom where I brush her teeth and clean her face.

Once we go back into her room I get her changed into some black leggings and an orange jumper. I get her changed and then make her bed.

We go into my room so I can make my bed. Once my bed is made she sits on my bed.

We go back into Alannah's room after I do my hair and I realised I forgot to do Alannah's hair. I brush her hair which was quite curly and leave it down.

"Should we get candy for trick or treaters today?" I ask and Alannah nods her head excitedly.

I smile and go into my room. I grab my bag and head downstairs. Mom was sat on the sofa so I quickly left.

Alannah skips over to the door of my car. I put her in her car seat and strap her in. I walk round to my car door and sit down in my seat.

I end the call from an unknown number that I constantly keep getting.

I connect my phone to the aux and put some music on. We then head shopping.

I place Alannah into a cart before going shopping. We head around the store picking up a few things. We headed straight to the candy isle where we pick up lots of candy for trick or treaters.

We came home and went straight into the kitchen. I put all of the candy into cupboards.

Once I pack all the candy away I make me and Alannah some lunch.

We had some mozzarella sticks and a few fries.

Once lunch was done we head upstairs to Alannah's room.

We played on the floor for a little while before it was nap time. I tuck her into bed and let her sleep.

15 minutes into her nap Jax rang me. I stand up and walk into my room to answer the call so I don't wake Alannah up.

"Hello" I say happily.

"Hey you, what are you up to?" He asks and I smile.

"Well Alannah is napping so nothing right this moment." I say.

"I'm going to come over later." He tells me and I smile.

"Okay" I say smiling.

"You know we should go out." He says and causing me to smile.

"Hmm maybe." I joke and he chuckles from the other side of the phone.

"What are you doing for Halloween?" He asks.

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