Chapter 21-Melhor

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I woke up to a giggle, it wasn't loud but it was loud enough to wake me up. I sit up and switch it off.

Alannah had woken up and was playing with her toys on the floor. That was weird because she normally always wakes up.

"Manhä." I say to Alannah and she looks up at me.

"Yay you're awake!" She says standing up. She walks to the side of the bed where I then pick her up.

"How you feeling today?" I ask as she cuddles into my side.

"Lots better." She says and I smile.

I place my hand to her head to check if she still had a temperature. She didn't which made me happy that she was now feeling better.

Today we are still going to take it easy and make sure she recovers fully before doing anything else.

I carry Alannah downstairs whilst she played with my hair.

"Good morning." Nicole says as she sits in her seat at the dinning table.

I then walk to my seat and sit down before sitting Alannah in her seat. Nicole put a plate of dry toast in front of Alannah which Alannah toke a bite of before crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask rotating in my seat so I can look at her.

She continues to cry and not speak so I take her from her chair and put her in my lap.

When Alannah stopped crying she looks up at me and I move a tiny strand out of her face.

"What's up narna?" I ask as she rubs her eye with her fist.

"I don't like dry toast." She says and I nod. I don't either it's just the only food she can kinda really eat.

"I know but I don't want to risk you getting sick again." I say and she sighs.

"How about you have a plain pancake will that be better?" Nicole suggests and Alannah hypes up.

I smile and put Alannah back in her seat. Nicole took away Alannah's plate with dry toast and got a fresh plate.

She put a pancake on her plate which I then cut up small enough for her to eat.

Alannah finished the whole pancake and downed her juice and I just watched her with an eyebrow raised.

"You would not of guessed she hasn't been well." David says and I smile slightly.

Alannah stands up as I take a sip of my water. She leans over and kisses my cheek before climbing off the chair and running out of the dinning room.

"She's so lively, she reminds me of you." Nicole says and I laugh. Well, how I used to be.

"Do you want me to help you with the dishes?" I ask picking mine and Alannah's plate up.

"No sweetheart." She says taking my plates from me.

I smile and thank her before going to find Alannah.

I go into the living room and she was walking across the sofa just playing with some toys.

"What you doing?" I ask making her jump, she then giggles and runs over to my leg.

She hugs my leg and I get down and sit on the floor, where we then play with her toys.

Once David and Nicole were ready they came into the living room to watch Alannah so I could get ready.

I have a shower then once I get out of the shower I get dressed. I get dressed into some grey joggers and a black crop top. I brush my hair before putting it back into a messy bun.

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