Chapter 13- Adoção

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When it had just gone 6am I gave up on getting any sleep.

I knew Jax and probably the other two boys would be awake by now. I sit up and sigh. I was exhausted I couldn't sleep at all last night. I don't think I slept a wink.

I climbed out of bed and got into the shower straight away. Once I got out of the shower I blow dry and straighten my hair.

Once I was finished with my hair I pick out one of my outfits. I chose a black blazer cape dress. Once I was dressed I do my makeup how I normally do it except I pay a little more attention to the bags under my eyes.

After my makeup was done I put on just a normal necklace and then put on my black saint Laurent heels.

I head out of my room and head to the top of the stairs where I meet Matteo yawning.

"Morning Lara." He says and I smile as we walk down the stairs.

"Morning Matteo." I say smiling.

"Did you sleep alright?" He asks and I nod.

"Lovely." I say and he smiles.

We head into the dinning room but we were the first people in there.

"Are you excited for today, you're legally going to become Alannah's mother?" Matteo says and I take a sip of my water and nod.

"I will always be Alannah's mother, I don't need a piece of paper to tell me." I say and he smiles.

"I've never met someone so about their child." Matteo says I smile.

He's got mommy issues.

"You'll understand when you have you're own child." I say.

After breakfast Matteo leads me to Jax's home office. I follow him in there and take a seat.

"Our meeting is at 11am." Jax says running a tired hand down his face.

"I need to go to the warehouse house first, you're going to spend the morning with me and hopefully after the meeting with David we will be able to go back to Brazil." Jax says and I nod.

"You and Gio best arrive at the Warehouse before I leave there atleast." Jax says to Matteo who puts his arms up in defence.

"Come on." Jax asks and I nod and follow him to his car.

I get in the passenger seat as I text Carter about every going on in Brazil.

"How's everything in Brazil?" He asks as I don't look up from the screen of my phone.

"They're organising a raid for tomorrow night of an old building in Porto Alegre." I say putting my phone in my bag.

"Are there any other leads if she isnt there?" He asks and I sigh.

"Not as of right now." I say and he nods.

"You might want to be careful when we go in there." Jax says and I take a deep breath as I look at the familiar building. 

I get out of the car and stare at the building that often arises in my nightmares.

"Because they probably all hate me and well they have no loyalties to me at all." I say getting my sunglasses out of my bag and putting them on.

"Exactly for that reason. So uh keep your head down. I promised to keep you safe and I don't plan on breaking that because of the hatred some of these men have for you." He says and I chuckle nervously.

"Going to have to get used to angry men eventually right?" I take two steps forward and signalling for Jax to walk infront of me.

As we walk to Jax's office I get cat called a few times which was a good sigh because they clearly don't know who I am.

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