Chapter 43- Seis dias

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Lara's POV
I don't know how long I've been here. I

can only hope that Alannah is okay. She has been my constant thought whilst being here. Along with the rare thought of Jax.

Gio comes down here multiple times a day to check on me and what not.

I feel constant anxiety whilst being down here. Multiple people have tried to come down here to harm me but either Gio or Mr Ricci gets down here after a punch or two.

My head and stomach are extremely sore. The amount of hits I've taken to the head and to the stomach is horrendous.

If I had known dating Jax would end this was I never would have got involved with him.

I haven't spoken to Jax since I first got here and I'm a bit sad that he hasn't apologised.

How do you go about someone being your whole world to nothing in a matter or minutes? Because this hurts.

Not only do I have a constant ache in my head and stomach but in my heart too. It hurts that he didn't believe and hasn't done anything to get me out of here.

I'm still scared about the whole mafia thing. I knew ish of mafias and what not. But I never learnt it from my dad. It was in my history lessons and what not. I didn't think they were around anymore.

To think my dad and well now ex-boyfriend are mobsters scares me. It's been living under my nose for years and never once have I noticed or thought about the possibility.

I hope it hasn't been Christmas yet. The thought of not being with Alannah on Christmas breaks my heart.

I would do anything to be chilling watching Christmas films with Alannah whilst drinking hot chocolate right now. Instead I'm sat in a basement chained to a wall waiting. For what? Well I don't know either. Whereas Alannah is probably in Nicole's arms sobbing her heart out.

The image in my head was not a good one and my heart felt so heavy at this very moment.

It's always so cold in here. I've been in Gio's hoodie and I have a blanket but I'm just still so cold. I will never complain about being cold again.

Being down here as really made me think about everything. If I don't die in here I promise myself that I will never put myself through the pain of being Jax Ricci's anything ever again.

This is too much pain and I don't want to experience something along the lines of this ever again.

"Lara!" Someone shouts and I look up from my feet to see Gio crouching down beside me.

"What's up?" I ask wiping away a tear.

"We have a meeting scheduled with your dad later." He says and I nod.

"Okay." I say.

"Uh in the meeting no ones going to be kind towards you because they need to sort this out." He tells me.

"Okay." I say and look back down to my feet.

"Are you hungry? You've hardly eaten since you've been here." He says.

"I'm okay Gio." I say and he nods.

I haven't really eaten since I've been her because of how badly anxious I've been. Any time I eat I automatically feel sick because of the sharp pain in my stomach.

"Your bruising is getting worse." He points out and I sigh.

"Do you want anything for the pain?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"If your lucky you'll be out of here tonight." He says and I smile slightly. Home. Alannah.

"I think I should get you something for the pain." He says but I don't answer him.

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