Chapter 38- Raiva

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I wake up to Jax's alarm. He rolls over from cuddling me to his side. He grabs his phone grunts and turns it off.

"Morning." He says. His voice was raspy and he puts his chin on my shoulder. I moan causing him to chuckle slightly.

"I'll need to leave but I'll be back to get you and Alannah to meet Gianna later." He says.

I roll over on to my side and face him and he leans down to kiss me.

"I'll pick you up at about 5/5:30 ish." He says and I nod. I sit up and he holds my hands to help me get out of bed.

Jax walks me back to my room and kisses my forehead before leaving.

I get into bed beside Alannah. I don't fall asleep I just go on my phone for a while.

When my alarm rings at 8am I gently wake Alannah up.

"Come on bub we need to go get breakfast." I say and she nods. I take her hand and help her out of bed.

We all greet each other as we sit around the breakfast table.

"You're staying at Jax's tonight right?" Nicole questions and I nod.

"This weekend we were probably going to have grandma Dee over." Nicole says.

"That's exciting I can't wait." I say and they nod.

"She gets lonely over the Christmas holidays." She says and I smile sympathetically.

"Goodbye Nicole." We say as she leaves.

David had left for work just before Nicole did. I went into the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes from breakfast.

After I had cleaned the kitchen I took Alannah upstairs. I made the bed then sat her on it and put Doc mcstuffins on.

I head into the bathroom and have a shower. After I had a shower I put Jax's hoodie on and some leggings. I was going to get ready later on in the day. I then quickly blow dry my hair.

I take Alannah into the bathroom and clean her face. I help her brush her teeth and then get her changed into leggins and a t-shirt.

Me and Alannah chilled basically all day.

We hardly do much anymore because its winter. It's too cold to go too the park now and well I hate shopping in New York so I ordered most of Alannah's Christmas presents online.

It came to 3pm and I got Alannah dressed into a nice dress.

I then brushed her hair and sat her back on the bed where she played with some of her toys.

I sat down at my desk and then curled my hair. Once I had curled my hair I got dressed. I put on a green skirt and a white shirt. I then put some makeup on and I was ready.

I quickly put on some shoes and then help Alannah. I grab our bags but then realised we have loads of stuff spare at Jax's house. I decided against packing bags for tonight. I switch the tv off and brush Alannah's hair one more time.

We head downstairs and wait in the living room.

"Oh I thought you would of been gone by now." Nicole says stumbling through the door.

"Jax and Gio are stuck in traffic coming back from central because of a meeting or something." I say and she nods.

Alannah stands up from playing with her toys on the floor and goes over and hugs Nicole.

We talk about her work until there was a knock on the door.

"Its Jax." She shouts running to the door.

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