Chapter 37- Preparando

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I wake up to Jax fully dressed in his suit and sat at the foot of the bed just looking at me.

"Morning." He says and I smile softly and rub my eyes. I lean against the headboard and look at Jax.

"Go get dressed, today is Dmitri's death day. Then I'm taking you on a date." Jax says and I look at him confused.

"Isn't that this evening?" I ask and he nods.

"Well I was going to take you and Alannah out for ice cream around lunch." Jax says making me laugh.

"Jax it's like freezing outside, its freezing. You don't need to add to that with ice cream." I say climbing out of bed.

I walk past Jax but he leans forward and grabs my thighs pulling me towards him.

"I thought I had to get ready." I say as Jax kisses down my neck .

"Hmm, I guess." He says pulling back.

I have a quick shower then blow dry and straighten my hair. I put on some plain black jeans and look through the last of my clothes that are hung up in Jax's closet.

"Do you want to match, like what my parents did?" Jax asks looking through a bunch of ties.

"I don't see why not." I say making him smile. I put on a black silky emerald green top and tuck it into my jeans.

"I trust you can find a tie." I say walking back out of the closet.

I put on my saint laurent necklace and heels before putting some makeup on. Once I was ready I woke Alannah up.

All three of us walked downstairs where we were the first ones. We sat in our usual seats whilst we sat and waited for everyone else. Alannah was sat telling us all about her dream last night.

Matteo and Rocco had walked in laughing, well Matteo was laughing loud enough for the both of them.

"Morning." Jax says glancing up from his phone as the two boys sat.

"Morning." They reply and I smile at them softly before turning back to Alannah.

Once Amara and Gio finally come down to the dinning room we all have breakfast.

"I'm personally not that busy today but you boys actually are." Jax says and they all turn to him confused, well Rocco didn't.

"That doesn't make sense." Gio says and Jax sighs.

"Well it does actually. Lara and Alannah are going back to Brazil tomorrow and well I would like to spend time with then before they leave." He says making Amara gasp.

"You're leaving tomorrow, why didn't you tell us?" She asks and Jax furrows his eyebrows.

"Amara I did actually talk to you about going to Brazil with her didn't I?" Jax asks and I look between them confused.

"Well yeah you did but you should've told me you were leaving so soon." Amara says.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Amara asks and I look over to Jax as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to. Your life is here, in New York." I say and she smiles.

"I'm coming with you Lara, plus it might do me some good to get away from all these men." She says making me smile.

"Good. The flight is tomorrow at 11am." Jax says and she nods.

After breakfast I take Alannah upstairs to sort her out for the day.

Once Alannah was dressed we clean her room and start to pack up the rest of her stuff. We leave out an outfit for tomorrow and a few toys.

Once all of her stuff was packed. I put her suitcase by her door ready to be put in the car tomorrow.

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