Extra chapter 4

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7 months later.

Jax's POV
"Let's go." I say picking Alannah up and putting her on my shoulders.

"Lara let's go." I say knocking the bathroom door. Lara opens the bathroom doot and looks up at Alannah and smiles.

"Gosh, you grew up fast." She says and Alannah giggles. "You ready?" I ask and she nods.

We head downstairs and Marco was stood in the foyer.

"Please keep me posted." Lara says and he nods. "I will. I will. Take your maternity leave and when you come back, I promise everything will be okay." He says and she smiles. "I have no doubt about that." She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Thank you. It means a lot." She smiles and he nods. We say goodbye to Marco and then get in thr car and head for the airport.

Alannah was watching her ipad whilst Lara was napping beside me. I rub her stomach and when I notice her face twist.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she scrunches her face and shakes her head. "Lara?" I ask worried and she grips the arm of the sofa, harshly.

"Somethings wrong." She winces and tries to sit up. "Its okay. Its okay. Tell me what's going on." I say helping her sit up.

"The baby. I don't know but it hurts so bad." She says and puts her hand over her mouth to try and keep her noises to a minimum.

She throws her head back and grabs my hand and squeezes the shit out of it. Its only then that I notice a tear stream down her face.

I call a air hostess over and get her to stay with Lara. I pick Alannah up and take her into a bedroom.

"What's going on dad?" She asks as I search it for some head phones. I plug them into her ipad and hold them.

"I need you to promise me you won't come out of here." I say and she nods slowly. "Not until I tell you, okay?" I ask and she nods. "And you've got to keep these on. Promise me." I say and she takes them from me. "I promise." She says and I lean down and kiss her forehead.

I shut the door as I leave the room and head over to Lara who isn't doing okay. "What is it?" I ask and the air hostess looks up at me.

"She's having contractions." She says and I look from Lara to her. "That's impossible, her water hasn't broke." I say and look down at Lara.

"It hasn't has it?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "It has to be braxton hicks." I say and Lara yanks my suit jacket.

"I need to get of this plane." She says and I look up at the air hostess. "How long till we land?" I ask and she looks at the screen. "At least two hours." She says and I shake my head and look down at Lara.

"We're flying over sea. There's no way we're landing till we get to New York." She says and I groan whilst watching Lara.

"It hurts." She cries and I nod and move her hair off of her head. "I know. I know. You'll both be okay. As soon as we land we're going to the hospital okay?" I say and she nods and just cries.

Seconds later she grahs my arms and lets out a yell in pain.

"This isn't braxton hicks." The air hostess says as I try to comfort Lara. "She's in labour." She says and I look down at Lara. "When did your water break?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I can't give birth on this plane, Jax we need to land." She grunts and I nod. "I know but we aren't any where near to somewhere we can land." I say and she cries.

"Go and tell the pilots that she's going into the labour." I say and she nods and rushes off.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Gio straight away.

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