Chapter 23- Abraços

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I had been sat in bed for ages, I couldn't fall to sleep. This is my first time being here so I'm even more on edge.

I pick my phone up and read that it was 2:30am. I sigh and stand up and walk over to the window. I sit by the window and look out into the back garden.

It was still raining pretty hard and the sound of rain was soothing. I love listening to the sound of rain.

My phone pings and I quickly grab it and put it on silent. I then check to see what the notification was.

Jax- I know your still awake, come out here x

I stand up and quietly making my way to the door.

I open the door and Jax was standing opposite the door just leaning on the wall with his phone in his hand.

He was wearing joggers that hung loosely around his hips. He didn't have a t-shirt on so I quickly looked up at him.

He held his hand out for me to take which I did and he lead me downstairs to the kitchen.

I sit at the island as Jax gets us some bottles of water.

"You look cute." Jax says and I smile at him before thanking him.

He hands me a bottle of water and sits beside me.

"Still struggling to sleep?" He asks as I try to unscrew the lid of the bottle.

He chuckles and takes the bottle from my hand before opening it for me.

"Thank you and yeah I am." I say before taking a sip of the water.

"Your safe here, no body knows about this house except for Gio. And I have a security system so don't worry." He says and I smile at him softly.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I ask and he laughs.

"Just can't sleep." He says and I nod.

We sit in silence for a minute before Jax stands up.

"Come on." He says taking my hand.

I follow Jax up the long stairs and he takes me to a bedroom.

He opens the door and I walk in behind him. This was Jax's room. It was bigger then the room me and Alannah were staying in. I didn't know what to expect but his room was decorated very nicely.

I look around the room. The bed was black which didn't surprise me at all. The bed was massive and whilst I was looking around he went and got into bed. There was two doors next to each other, one was cracked open slightly and you could see it was a bathroom.

I continue to look around the big room when my eyes meet Jax's. "Come." He says patting the bed.

I go over to Jax and sit down beside him in the bed. He puts his arm around me and I put my head on his bare chest.

This is the first time I've been able to actually look at his tattoos properly. And when I say he's covered in tattoos I mean it.

"You have so many tattoos." I point out and chuckles.

"I've got more on my legs." He says and I gasp causing him to laugh again.

"Wasnt it painful?" I ask tracing one of his tattoos on his arms.

"Not really." He says and I smile up at him.

"You smile a lot." He says and I pull away from his chest and look up at him.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask and he shakes his head before bringing my head back down to his chest.

"This is nice." I say breaking the silence.

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