Chapter 24- Feira de diversões

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When my alarm rings at 8am I jump up to switch it off. In the process of me doing that I woke Alannah up.

"Manhä." I say and she stands up and falls on me.

I laugh and roll over to drop her so she was lying down. I then begin to tickle her and there was then a knock on the door.

"Breakfast is done." Nicole says peeping her head in quickly and then heading back downstairs. I stand up and take Alannah's hand.

We head downstairs into the dinning room where we sit with David and Nicole.

"Have you got any plans today?" David asks.

"We're spending the whole day with Jax and Vanni." Alannah says jumping up from her seat.

"That sounds fun." Nicole says and Alannah then rambles on about how fun it'll be.

"Mama misses Jax at night time, they facetime all night." She says and I look at her confused. How did she know that?

"So this will be good for her." she says wrapping her arms around my neck. David starts laughing and Alannah kisses my cheek.

After breakfast we say goodbye to Nicole and David. I sit Alannah with my phone and she watched youtube whilst I washed the dishes from breakfast and then take Alannah upstairs.

I take her into the bathroom and help her brush her teeth and clean her face. I then go back into our room and get out some clothes for her to wear today.

Once I helped her get dressed, I brushed out her beautiful straight hair.

"Beautiful" I say kissing her and she

I make the bed quickly and sit her on the bed with my phone and the TV on. I have a quick shower and then get dressed.

I get changed then sit at my desk and dry my hair and straighten it. Once I do that I do my makeup before I was finally ready.

"Jax text you." Alannah says handing me my phone.

I thank her and she goes back to watching something on the TV. I sit down at my desk to check my phone and clean my desk up.

Jax- Alannah's car seat is still in my car by the way. Can't wait to see you both X

Lara-okay and we can't wait either. Alannah is so excited X

After cleaning up my mess from getting ready I pick Alannah up and head downstairs.

I make sure I have everything in my bag. I then fill up Alannah's bottle for her and we sit and watch the tv whilst waiting for Jax and Gio.

The doorbell rings and Alannah jumps up instantly and runs over to the door.

"Be careful." I shout grabbing my bag and my phone.

I walk over to the door and Jax hands Alannah to Gio. He walks over and kisses me.

"You look beautiful." He says and I smile and look away from him.

"Let's go." Alannah says trying to jump around in Gio's arms.

Jax laughs and takes Alannah from Gio. We head out and Gio starts running to the car.

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