Chapter 41- Mentirosa?

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I didn't even know what had happened. All I could feel was the cold floor underneath me.

There was something around my wrists and ankles and it was tight and hurt me.

I slowly open my eyes not that it did much of a difference. The room I was in was cold and dark.

I looked around the room squinting my eyes to try and see what was going on. It sort of looked like a loft but it wasn't.

Only one of my feet were chained to a wall. Along with both my arms. I tried yanking on the chains but they didn't budge.

"Hello?" I shouted but no body answered and my voice just echoed throughout the room.

My mind immediately went to Alannah and what had happened at my moms house. I didn't even see who had hit me so that's pretty scary.

The scariest part for me right now is that Alannah could also be here. Or she could be walking the streets, crying, scared and confused. Or the worst part is that my mom could have came home and took her into the house and probably beat her.

I'm pretty scared to be here don't get me wrong. But it's not me I'm scared for. All I can about if Alannah and how worrying all this must be for her. If she didn't struggle with nightmares before she definitely will after today.

"Stop and think about this first!" Someone shouted and it sounded odly familiar. Who is that?

I sat up properly as I heard someone stomping down some steps. A cry caught my attention and I know that cry from anywhere.

"Alannah?" I shout, the thought of her being down here is giving me goosebumps.

"Mommy!" She screams and it breaks my heart.

I start looking around the room for some sort of sign of Alannah even though it's too dark. My eyes land on someones knees and I take a deep breath and grow the courage to look up.

"Jax?" I choke out.

"You lied to me." He shouts in my face causing me to flinch. What?

"What the hell are you on about?" I ask confused.

"Mommy!" I hear Alannah shout again.

"Its okay baby, it'll be okay I promise." I shout and listen to her sniffles.

I look behind Jax to see Gio standing there running his hand down his face.

"Gio what the hell is going on?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Wait Gio's here?" I hear Alannah ask.

"Please just un do Alannah's chains or something so she can be here with me right now. I can't listen to her cry anymore its breaking my heart Jax please." I beg and start crying but Jax doesn't move.

"Jax she's literally three they shouldn't have got her anyway." Gio says and Jax sighs.

"I don't care what you say, I can't except listening to her cry like this." Gio says walking over to a different part of the room.

He comes back with Alannah in his arms and places her gently in front of me. Gio un does the chains on my arms so I can comfort Alannah.

"It's okay I'm here I'm right here." I say stroking her back.

"Why are Jax and Gio here are they bad guys?" Alannah asks into my neck.

"No baby they're not." I say glaring up at Jax and she nods slightly.

"Are you okay you don't seem hurt or anything?" I ask her and she rubs the back of her head.

I remove her hand and put my hand there and it feels all warm. I pull my hand away and look closer to my hand. She's bleeding.

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