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Hisokas stomach was in a pit as he rushed over to your room. You had just been sitting there, sobbing and going through every moment you had spent with him trying to piece together what was real and not. The doorbell rung, it was Hisoka.

"Just leave i'm not letting you in!" You choked out from your falling tears.

"Please Y/n" Hisoka uttered softly as he set his forehead on the door in shame.

"Hisoka go and don't come back!" You could barley get the words out of your mouth, the pain shot right through your heart. You had lost it all.

Hisokas hatred for himself only grew more within hearing your broken voice behind the door. He was only just as shattered, truly shattered. He slid down and sat against your door for awhile and just stared into the blank abyss ahead of him. You watched his shadow from under the door sit there for at least an hour, he was completely silent. The silence between the small distant of you was heart wrenching, and cold, all you wanted was his warmth. The shadow suddenly disappeared and you could slightly hear his footsteps descend down the hall in defeat. You were full of complete rage, everything that finally felt right was torn apart by his lies. You second guessed yourself for over exaggerating hundreds of times already, but you were too taken back by the fact that every single time you had let yourself get emotionally vulnerable you'd get hurt.

The day passed slowly, the sting of heartbreak was agonizing torture, and it lingered with the slow ascendent of dusk. You had only been away from him for merely two hours and the pain was unbearable, ending it then and there drove through your head every now and then, like a sudden whisper from the strange darkness of your soul. Your own conscious mind couldn't even begin to understand the devotion your souls developed to each other in such a short amount of time. Your time with the love of your life was up in a flash. You sat there cursing yourself for ever letting yourself love in the first place. You took this entirely as your fault, it wasn't, you were just foolish.

Meanwhile Hisoka departed to the city, walking around in despair. His shoulders were lunged down and his eyes wouldn't move up from the ground, his aura was almost desolate. His heart was already aching so bad to the point were he truly felt like dying to make it stop. The stars felt crossed, you two seemed star-crossed, unable to reach the happiness you both desperately desired. How cruel the feeling of fate being the culprit was. Hisoka felt so lost, the only thing keeping in moving down this saddened path was you. He knew his sacrifice, he needed a plan now, hoping he'd figure out what to do next, how to move forward. Hisoka knew he had to fight Gon and go to York New City, but would he really leave?

Hisoka finally headed back to his apartment, his room was still trashed, but the only thing he did was shut the door. He felt empty as he curled up on your side of his bed, he sat there with no expression but he held your pillow tight as he took deep breaths in and out to catch your smell. He managed to get some sleep while he leeched onto your fading scent, he slept for almost a full day. He would wake up and force himself back to sleep because he couldn't stand being awake and alone with his thoughts, he wanted to pass the time as fast as he could. His fight with Gon was in six hours.

For almost the whole day that Hisoka had slept to escape his blistering pain, you had sat for hours in different parts of your room just thinking. Thinking about what to do.

Should I leave? Should I stay? Will he leave?
Where will he go if he does? What if he stays? What if I run into him? What if we get matched up for a fight? What if I see him with someone else? What if he kills Gon today? Can we fix this? Is there any way to salvage anything that we had? Should I confront him? Maybe he'll apologize? Maybe he'll back out of the fight? Should I try?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now